What factors affect this decision? What would you do? What factors affect this decision?
Task Are the following examples describing compliance or internalisation? Doesn’t include identification as not on spec 2014 Alternatively, Q8 June 11
Deciding that smoking is wrong internalisation
Laughing at a joke you don’t find funny compliance
Becoming a vegetarian after sharing a flat with a vegetarian internalisation
Cooking vegetarian food while living with a vegetarian flatmate compliance
Why do people conform? People want to be right Informational social influence People want to be liked Normative social influence They look to other people to find the answer – assume others probably know something they don’t. Informational social influence. EG Looking to see what other people are doing in a lesson when you realise you haven’t heard an instruction. Also looking to see what people do They want to fit in to the group and not be laughed at or a social outcast
Informational Influence After watching a group, we often believe that the group has a better understanding of the situation than we do, or has special information or expertise. We conform unconsciously because we honestly believe that the group knows better than we do. We call this kind of conformity informational, because it is our need for information which gets us to conform.
Dangerous Conformity…. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjP22DpYYh8
The process An individual first encounters the group Next, information is received by the group that is in some way unclear or ambiguous, like the smoke filling up the room in the video you just watched Next, the group interprets this information. Finally, the individual changes their perception of what is happening to match the group. Here conformity occurs because the individual actually believes that the group’s perceptions are more accurate than their own. Thus, the conformity in this case is entirely subconscious; the person never even realizes that it has occurred.
Normative Influence People tend to feel extremely uncomfortable when speaking out against a group, even when they know that group is in the wrong. The desire to be accepted and liked convinces group members to keep disagreements or uncomfortable questions to themselves. In this situation, we conform because we want the group to like and respect us, and we give in to their expectations, even when we know that they are wrong. We call this kind of conformity normative, because in this case, we conform out of our desire to fit in with the group, to be seen as normal.
The process: An individual first encounters the group. Next, information is received by the group that is in some way unclear or ambiguous. The group then interprets the information. The individual changes their perception or behavior to match the group because they want to be accepted and liked An individual will agree with and conform to something that they know is wrong, just to fit in. In this case, the person knows that they are making the wrong choice, but it is more important for the group to like them, so they go ahead with it anyway.
Asch Conformity Experiment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyDDyT1lDhA