Exam Preparation Preparation for lessons should be done as homework and independent study tasks. Exam question set each wk as apart of homework and/or class work which is recorded and tracked. Students will have weekly note making and controlled assessment homework. Students issued with a copy of the exam topics Students recording exam marks on the back of their exam topic booklet. Graphics Mock exam (PPE) Friday 1st December 2017 Product Design Mock exam (PPE) Wednesday 6th December (Miss Horton) & Monday 11th December (Mr Craffy) Revision cards available on student file share – can be saved as a file. Past papers available on AQA website Controlled Assessment Can do write ups at home – making must be done in school. Students should be working on design & development write ups each week Students have been issued with an A grade example to refer to. Help sheets are available on the student file share Next Deadline – Tuesday 5th December for unit 1 & 2 Final deadline for Controlled Assessment January 2018 Weekly intervention held on Tuesday and Wednesday lunch times and after school for students to catch up on missing work, make improvements, access facilities and teacher support.
Controlled Assessment Unit 2 Check list Controlled Assessment (coursework 60%) Unit 2 Feedback sheet Personal checklist written by student Development of Design Proposals (including modelling) (32) Ideas with developments (6) 5-6 Imaginative and innovative ideas have been developed, demonstrating creativity, flair and originality. Further developments made to take account of on going research 4 Imaginative ideas demonstrating a degree of creativity, which are further developed to take account of ongoing research 3 Design ideas show some degree of creativity and further development 2 Ideas show some variation in approach or concept 1 Ideas are lacking in imagination or further research 0 No ideas Key information to help students: Writing detailed annotation Explaining how the design has been developed and how it can be improved. Justify statements given e.g this is a good design……why? Refer to feedback sheets – assessment criteria given.
Revision cards on student file share Exam (40%) Recommended Exam Resources GCSE Design & Technology Product Design AQA Revision Guide (A*-G course) ISBN-10: 1847623549 ISBN-13: 978-1847623546 £5.95 GCSE Design & Technology Graphic Products AQA Revision Guide (A*-G course) ISBN-10: 1847623565 ISBN-13: 9781847623560 £5.95 Websites www.bbc.co.uk/education/subjects/zvg4d2p www.technologystudent.com www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/design/ AQA Website Revision cards on student file share
What support can parent provide Ask to see weekly homework and independent study work: Coursework Exam preparation and/or completed questions Encourage attendance at intervention sessions Tuesday lunch time and after school (until 16:30) Wednesday lunch time and after school (until 16:30) Contact staff if you become aware of any difficulties or challenges that will impact progress and/or work being completed. Purchase the revision guide