Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS On the Objectives: The objective of the work programme should be to assist Parties, and in particular Small Island Developing States, to identify and assess impacts physical and socio-economic, vulnerabilities and risks at the national level with the support of the international community.
Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS Consistent with the last preamble paragraph to the Convention which refers to, inter alia, the vulnerabilities of “low lying and small island countries” we believe that it is important to develop specific tracks in the adaptation work programme for highly vulnerable communities such as Small Island Developing States
Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS The programme should also aim to provide the means for SIDS to identify their urgent and immediate needs and actions to address these immediate needs It should link with the outcomes of the International Meeting to Review the Programme of Work for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS On the Scope: To provide advice on scientific, technical and methodological issues on the impacts of climate change, by drawing on the work of existing institutions like the IPCC Draw on local knowledge and experience in this field
Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS It should encompass: the immediate and urgent needs of vulnerable countries, facilitate vulnerability assessments adaptation planning adaptation actions
Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS On the Structure This special track for SIDS would as a first step identify the immediate and urgent vulnerability and adaptation needs of SIDS Identify means of addressing these immediate and urgent needs so as to facilitate adaptation projects
Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS Identify particular vulnerabilities and adaptation needs of specific concern to SIDS. This would include climate change impacts on: water supply in island communities, agriculture in island communities, coastal zones including natural and human build environments, marine ecosystems and in particular coral reefs, island tourism, human health in island communities.
Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS On Milestones and Activities: Provide opportunities for LDC SIDS to share their experiences in developing National Adaptation Plans of Actions with other SIDS SIDS workshop would help facilitate this exchange
Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS Facilitate the implementation of adaptation pilot projects in SIDS Facilitate a process to assist SIDS identify vulnerabilities and adaptation strategies within their national communications
Adaptation Workshop - AOSIS On the review of the programme: Process for review of the success of the programme should be undertaken on a regular basis by a working group The programme should also allow SIDS to meet and discuss lessons learnt from the process