Standards-based Grading and Reporting Moving to a Standards-based Grading and Reporting School-wide and in the Classroom HSTW NE Ohio Region Fall Reconnect, September 21, 2016
This session will address — what is standards-based teaching and learning and grading? how to begin a conversation about a standards-based grading and reporting system? Seven Reasons for Standards-based Grading (SBG) Introduction to Ken O’Connor’s approach to SBG Oct 21 at Columbiana County CTC with Ken O’Connor SBG in the classroom at Mount Vernon Middle School NOTE TO PRINCIPALS: You will notice that in this presentation for parents we are using the term “standards-based grading and reporting.” The thinking is that this language will be easier for parents to understand. However, the term “standards-based teaching and learning” is a more accurate reflection of the connection between Curriculum 2.0 and the reporting system. Therefore, the term “standards-based teaching and learning” is being used for teachers and staff.
What is standards-based… Teaching and Learning links instruction and grading to standards provides an accurate reflection of what students know and are able to do increases student achievement
Instruct, Assess, and Provide Feedback IDENTIFY learning goals PLAN for instruction based on student need INSTRUCT, ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK to student GRADE based on evidence of learning REPORT student achievement REPORT student achievement RETEACH → REASSESS → FEEDBACK → After planning instruction based on learning goals, proficiency statements, and sample lessons, teachers are able to instruct students, assess them, and provide feedback on the content. Teachers deliver planned instruction and collect data daily on how well the students are learning the content. This daily assessment of learning supports teachers as they provide feedback to students to guide their learning. Students are given multiple and varied opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the content.
What is standards-based… Grading and Reporting It is a comprehensive system that: aligns instruction and assessment to standards aligns grades to standards
Grading Student Understanding IDENTIFY learning goals PLAN for instruction based on student need INSTRUCT, ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK to student GRADE based on evidence of learning REPORT student achievement RETEACH → REASSESS → FEEDBACK → As part of the instructional cycle, teachers provide scores based on evidence of student learning. Teachers gather data on student learning on a daily basis. Teachers check for understanding by providing multiple and varied opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge, critical and creative thinking skills, and academic success skills orally, in writing, and through performances and products.
Reporting Student Achievement IDENTIFY learning goals PLAN for instruction based on student need INSTRUCT, ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK to student GRADE based on evidence of learning REPORT student achievement RETEACH → REASSESS → FEEDBACK → Reporting student achievement completes the instructional cycle. Once the teacher has determined the level of proficiency, the score is shared with the student. Feedback is given to the student to support continued growth in learning. The teacher then identifies new learning goals.
How to begin a conversation - SBG… It takes time to achieve full implementation; typically about three years or longer for school-wide implementation. How to begin a conversation - SBG…
Discuss the Seven Reasons for SBG Reason 1: Grades should having meaning Reason 2: We need to challenge the status quo on such practices as grading homework. Reason 3: We can control grading practices Reason 4: SBG reduces meaningless paperwork Reason 5: SBG helps teachers adjust instruction Reason 6: SBG teaches students what quality looks like Reason 7: SBG is a launch pad to other reforms
Introduction to Ken O’Connor October 21 – Columbiana County Career & Technical Center Register:
SBG in the Classroom Kathy Thayer, Mount Vernon Middle School
Next Steps Attend the Oct 21 workshop Research how other schools have implemented SBG teaching, learning, grading and reporting. Appoint a task force of all stakeholders to begin the conversations What is standards-based teaching and learning? It is a comprehensive system that: Aligns instruction to standards. Internationally driven Common Core State standards and Maryland state standards. Measures student academic progress toward grade-level expectations through multiple and varied opportunities. Aligns grades to standards to provide meaningful information about student achievement and progress.