Learning and Assessment Map- Grade 1-2 Science Course/Subject/Grade(s): Planning Team: Unit Big Idea: Matter is useful because of it’s properties Materials can be changed through physical and chemical processes. Unit Guiding Question: What makes the properties of matter useful? How do the properties of materials help connect to the function of materials? Why would we want to change the physical properties of an object? What are some natural processes that involve chemical and physical changes? Goals Content: What do I Need to Know? Specific properties of materials allow us to use them in different ways - solids keep shape; liquids and gases flow properties of local materials determine use First People’s local examples (cedar for canoes, mountain goat horns used as spoons, etc.) How do the properties of natural materials (e.g., wood) help determine useful functions for the materials? Physical ways of changing materials: I can change material through physical means- cooling, heating ice, water, vapour), warming, cooling, cutting, bending, stirring, mixing) materials may be combined or physically changed to be used in different ways (e.g., plants can be ground up and combined with other materials to make dyes) Chemical ways of changing materials: I can change a material through chemical means- cooking, burning, reacting wood, charcoal, ash, smoke Recipes- Crème Brulle- ingredients, cooking, burning Access All Most Few Curricular Competencies Questioning & Predicting: I can observe objects in familiar contexts I can identify an object and some of the materials it is composed of Mystery Bag game- (objects composed of one material) metal, plastic, rubber, wood, fabric objects I can find objects, in the classroom, and sort them by their properties I know the properties of various materials color, density- hardness/softness, texture, flexibility, absorbency and luster I can explain why a certain object should be made from specific material Matter is either a solid, liquid or gas I can sort objects as solid, liquid and gas I can act to demonstrate the properties of a solid, liquid and gas Space and Mass I can draw to demonstrate the properties of a solid, liquid and gas I can explain the properties of a solid, liquid and gas Applying and Innovating: Personal Planning Strategies applied to Science How do I participate in a group? I can participate in a group, with support I can participate in a group, with direction from my peers I can participate in a group independently I can be a leader in a group and follow the procedure/ directions as laid out by teacher or Challenge sheet Planning and conducting - Make and record observations - Safely manipulate materials to test ideas and predictions - Make and record simple measurements using informal or non-standard methods I can observe and record my observations, with support I can observe and record my results (Modelling my peers) I can observe, describe and compare changes in matter, verbally I can observe, describe and compare changes in matter, in written form Prior knowledge Grade Level Curriculum
Course/Subject/Grade(s): Planning Team: Competency Lens: Target Competency: Self Assessment Pre Post Targeted Skill Access All Most Few What is a new skill I learned? What is a skill I was reminded of that is useful? How do I know I have learned this skill? How did these skills help me be more successful during this class? How can I use the skills that I have learned in other contexts?