BENOÎT TROCHU Business Development Director
LEVERAGE On our genetics
What is our job? YES MAKE MONEY IN OPERATING AIRPORTS? Operate airports? NO MAKE MONEY? YES MAKE MONEY IN OPERATING AIRPORTS? Create value for travelers, for the country, for VINCI Airports Invest in a long term DESIGN “Value for money” AIRPORTS VINCI Airports Convention 2014
Airport operators Funds A LOT OF COMPETITORS Airport operators Funds VINCI Airports Convention 2014
Airports are expensive assets VINCI Airports Convention 2014
TO WIN: LEVERAGE ON OUR GENETICS > TO WIN, WE MUST Have strong conviction Be Risk Taker Tailor our deals > WE HAVE UNIQUE STRENGTHS The KNOW HOW A global reach A lot of capital to deploy VINCI Airports Convention 2014
What is of interest for us?
How to better leverage on the airport know-how of our VINCI Airports network in business development ?
OUR STAKES 1 Improve our ability to identify leverages for value creation 2 Be more and more professional towards our partners in order to monetize our know-how 3 Propose innovative solutions, especially for “non plain vanilla” deals VINCI Airports Convention 2014
1- INCREASE THE VALUE CREATION OF OUR TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS FACT We have not a precise understanding of the impact of our technical solutions on the P&L (consumption, electricity, consumption, cleaning, etc.) Our engineering support is not yet enough “consultancy” driven TARGET Be able to create design / premises with improved efficiency to lower costs Be as professional as third party consultancy providers ACTION Create a common working group (VCGP, VINCI Airports, etc.) to elaborate links between technical solutions and P&L impacts and elaborate optimization solutions Educate engineers exposed to business development to our stakes, priorities, targets, etc. VINCI Airports Convention 2014 VINCI Airports Convention 2014
2- BE ABLE TO PROVIDE CARGO SOLUTIONS FACT We do not fully understand the cargo dynamics We are not able to propose offers with ambitious plans especially in emerging markets TARGET To be as connected with cargo handlers, freighters, etc. as we are with airlines ACTION Create relationships with professionals of this sector , understand their way of thinking, discuss with them opportunities to collaborate VINCI Airports Convention 2014 VINCI Airports Convention 2014
3- IMPROVE OUR ANALYTICAL UNDERSTANDING OF AIRPORT ECONOMICS FACT Our understanding of cost structure has improved but we are still not exploiting the benchmark of our VINCI Airports network TARGET Benefit from the different size of airports in our portfolio to assess properly the cost structure of airport and the dynamics of it (drivers, variable/fix, elasticity, etc.) ACTION Jointly with the Finance direction, elaborate this benchmark and cross learn with the situations we are facing in Business Development VINCI Airports Convention 2014 VINCI Airports Convention 2014
4- CREATE A NETWORK OF EXPERTS FACT We have too few experts in the VINCI Airports network identified as “part time” consultants for business development (ORAT, operational due diligence, etc.) TARGET Have a network of 20-30 people, covering the full scope of airport operation, educated to have the role of “internal” advisors ACTION Identify with the Human Resources the people skilled and interested in that business Educate them on our objectives VINCI Airports Convention 2014 VINCI Airports Convention 2014