Gr. 6 Natural Science and Technology. 2015 Photosynthesis Gr. 6 Natural Science and Technology. 2015
Photosynthesis KEY WORDS (Copy) Photosynthesis: Process in which plants make their own food from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water, using light energy from the sun. Glucose: Type of sugar used as an energy source for many living organisms. Starch: Storage product in plants
Photosynthesis Why can plants make their own food, but animals can't? Because they can photosynthesise. PHOTOSYNTHESIS: Plants change light energy from the sun into food energy. It happens in all green parts of plants. (mostly in the leaves).
Copy the following pictures into your book. Use the whole page. Class Activity (Copy) Copy the following pictures into your book. Use the whole page. You may turn your book.
Light energy from the sun Carbon dioxide from the animals Oxygen from the plants Carbon dioxide from the animals Food Water from the roots
Photosynthesis (Copy) Important requirements for photosynthesis to take place: 1. Chlorophyll: A green substance plants use to capture light energy from the sun. 2. Sunlight: Plants use the energy from the sun to produce glucose from water and carbon dioxide.
Photosynthesis (Copy) 3. Water: Roots of plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil. Water acts as a solvent, meaning that substances can dissolve in water in order to be transported throughout the plant. It also provides support to the plant to keep it upright.
Photosynthesis (Copy) 4. Carbon dioxide: The plants absorb carbon dioxide through little holes that are mostly found under the plant’s leaves. 5. Soil: The soil provides mineral nutrients and water. It also provides anchorage to the plant to keep it standing up straight.
Photosynthesis (Copy) What is produced during photosynthesis: Oxygen Glucose Formula for photosynthesis: (Copy) H20 + C02 + sunlight + chlorophyll = glucose + O2
Photosynthesis How does photosynthesis occur? Chlorophyll captures the sunlight energy. This energy splits the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The oxygen is released into the air. The hydrogen is used with the carbon dioxide to make glucose (sugars). The sugars are moved from the leaves to other parts of the plants where they are stored. The water in plant veins carries the sugar. When the sugars reach the storage parts of the plant, they are changed into starch.
Photosynthesis HOMEWORK ACTIVITY Find a picture of a plant and an animal and bring it to school tomorrow.
Class activity (Copy) Animal Plant Paste the two pictures into your workbook. Illustrate the gaseous exchange between animals and plants. Animal Plant CO2 O2
Storage of starch in plants (Copy) Plants store starch in the following places: Leaves (cabbage, spinach, lettuce) Fruit (apples, banana, peaches) Stem (sugar cane) Seeds (wheat or mealies) Flowers (broccoli, cauliflower) Roots (carrots, beetroot)
Take out a piece of paper Name: Class activity Identify what part of the following plants we eat. 1. Cabbage- 2. Tomatoes- 3. Potatoes- 4. Broccoli- 5. Celery- Leaves 6. Carrots- 7. Sunflower seeds- 8. Lettuce- 9. Sugar cane- 10. Bananas- Root Fruit Seed Leaf Root Stem Flower Fruits Stem Swap papers with the person next to you.
Photosynthesis: (Copy) Food from photosynthesis Homework: NS: Do a mind map on (Term 1 Topic 1) T1T1. (Use your workbook AND textbook).