Mgmt Telecon 2009-11-03 © EOX IT Services GmbH, 2009
Management all subcontracts signed progress report September technical & organizational Telecon at 2009-10-20 agreement on 3-week regular Telecon interval progress report October Planned Product Assurance Plan (PAP)
EO Requirements for ODA collection of relevant documents (GEOSS, INSPIRE, GSC-DA, DAIL, HMA-E) analysis of relevant metadatasets started analysis of GSC-DA requirements nearly finished analysis of Service Industry Needs started analysis of potential improvements to WebMapViewer Coverage Download window due Eoli-SA access problems, download of ENVISAT Demo- datasets Planned continue with analysis of requirements create first draft of RB-Documents
Towards OpenGIS Standardization participation at the mailing List moderation of regular WCS.SWG telecons participation in regular WCS.SWG telecons EOX become WCS.SWG voting member WCS 2.0 core submitted (09-110_WCS-2-0_draft_2009-10-28.doc ) WCS 2.0 core analyzed WCS extension – KVP Protocol submitted (09-147_WCS-KVP_draft_2009-10-27.doc) WCS extension - KVP Protocol analyzed Planned Pushing WCS 2.0 core draft further Pushing WCS extension - KVP Protocol further
Software Implementation Stephan Meissl participated at FOSS4G contacts with many developers of the OpenSource geo- software developer community informal talks about participation in software developments valuable information about performance differences between GeoServer and MapServer gathered participation at Code Sprint for MapServer Planned continue and deepen contacts with community
Schedule (only times shown)
Contacts EOX GIM JUB SPOT JUB SPOT © EOX IT Services GmbH, 2009 © EOX IT Services GmbH, 2009