K. Grebieszkow Analysis plans: ions Warsaw University of Technology


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Presentation transcript:

K. Grebieszkow Analysis plans: ions Warsaw University of Technology Beginning of the ion program: 2009 and 2010 data taking periods NA61/SHINE Collaboration Meeting June 6th -10th, 2011, CERN 2010: p+p at 13 GeV/c, 700k events 2009: p+p at 20 GeV/c, 2M events 2009: p+p at 31 GeV/c, 3M events 2009: p+p at 40 GeV/c, 6M events 2009: p+p at 80 GeV/c, 4M events 2009: p+p at 158 GeV/c, 4M events

Study of the properties of the Onset of Deconfinement NA61 ion program: Search for the Critical Point Search for the maximum of CP signal: fluctuations of N, average pT , etc., intermittency, when system freezes out close to CP Study of the properties of the Onset of Deconfinement Search for the onset of the horn/kink/step in collisions of light nuclei; additional analysis of fluctuations and correlations (azimuthal, chemical composition, etc.) High pT physics (energy dependence of nuclear modification factor) Comprehensive scan in the whole SPS energy range (13A-158A GeV) with light and intermediate mass nuclei Estimated (NA49) and expected (NA61) chemical freeze-out points accordingly to F. Beccatini, J. Manninen, M. Gaździcki PRC73, 044905 (2006)

2009(11) ↗ 2010(BES) ↗ 2016 ↗ 2017(19) ↗ 2009 ↗

What are our plans? p+p and future A+A Normalization MC Scalers and normalization of p+p 2009/2010 data - Natalia Katryńska (see Natalia's talk on Wednesday, June 8th, afternoon) MC p+p energy scan – Marcin Słodkowski First samples for p+p at 31 GeV/c are ready for tests (see Marcin's e-mail – last Tuesday) Spectra and yields Inclusive spectra of p- from h- – Antoni Aduszkiewicz So far: tests for 2007 and 2009 p+C, first attempt to look at p+p data (last year), MC p+p events under preparation (by Marcin) We will focus on the analysis of p+p and A+A (PhD theses, papers, etc.) but many people have already started to look at p+C (2007 and 2009) data in order to learn how to analyze data and prepare necessary software in advance

Perfect agreement for 2007 p+C between Tomek's and Antoni's results Perfect agreement for 2007 p+C between Tomek's and Antoni's results. Their pT (mT) and rapidity spectra shown at Quark Matter 2011 Rather good agreement between 2007 and 2009 p+C data - problems only at low p- regions (electrons produced in the target?) Strict WFA cut helps but decreases the statistics; further investigations needed Antoni's talk, Tuesday, June 4th, morning

Inclusive spectra of K+/-, p+/- (dE/dx relativistic rise) – Antoni Marcinek Inclusive spectra of protons and antiprotons (dE/dx relativistic rise) – Antoni Marcinek So far: running Marco's code, trying to compare yields from Marco's and Silvestro's programs Analysis of K, p, (anti-)protons production (ToF) – Vadim Kolesnikov + somebody from Dubna Lambda, anti-lambda and K0s production – Andrzej Wilczek So far: analysis of lambdas in 2007 p+C data (February 2011) and analysis of K0S and lambdas (2D binning in pT and y*) in 2009 p+C data L L K0S Examples for p+C 31 Gev/c data + VENUS (3 plots for different rapidity bins) Andrzej's talk, Tuesday, June 4th, afternoon

Strange particle production in elementary interactions – Tatjana Susa and Tome Anticic (+ new student for  and anti_ analysis - Antonija Utrobicic) (High) pT spectra of K+/-, p+/-, (anti-)protons (nuclear modification factor) – Andras Laszlo + group from Budapest Resonance production (K* (892), f) – Marcin Słodkowski Resonance production (D, r) – group from Belgrade (Jovan Puzovic, Dimitrije Maletic, Bojana Grabez, Mihailo Savic, soon: 1 Post Doc. (in September) and 2-3 Ph.D. students) Mihailo Savic (PhD student) – baryon resonance search in 2009 p+p (D++, D0) – see the presentation on Thursday, June 9th, morning The possibility of analyzing production of r0 will be very soon tested by Jovan Puzovic and further analysis will be performed by Jovan Puzovic + student

Suggestions and/or volunteers are very welcome! Correlations and fluctuations Multiplicity fluctuations (w and higher moments) – Maciej Rybczyński So far: multiplicity distributions for uncalibrated p+p data shown on CPOD2010, procedure of extracting Non-Target (NT) interactions found (T. Cetner and KG for NA61, arXiv:1101.0710) Transverse momentum fluctuations (FpT and higher moments) – Tobiasz Czopowicz, KG So far: FpT for uncalibrated p+p data shown on CPOD2010, procedure of extracting NT interactions found (arXiv:1101.0710) Tobiasz is currently working on a possibility to include mid-rapidity region for fluctuation analysis (investigations based on NA49 data sets) Tobiasz's talk, Monday, June 3rd, morning Suggestions and/or volunteers are very welcome!

We still have some ??? subjects - volunteers are very welcome! Chemical fluctuations (new “identity method” -  measure, Phys. Rev. C83, 054907 (2011), arXiv:1103.2887) – Maja Maćkowiak procedure of extracting NT interactions found (arXiv:1101.0710) Azimuthal fluctuations (Ff) – Bartosz Maksiak(?), ??? Azimuthal correlations (Df) - ??? New strongly intensive measures D and  (see M. Gaździcki, M. Gorenstain, arXiv:1101.4865) (measures can be applied to pT, azimuthal angle, etc. fluctuations) for pT fluctuations - Tobiasz Czopowicz, for other kinematic variables/characteristics - ??? Correlations <pT> versus N – Agnieszka Wojtaszek-Szwarc Critical fluctuations (intermittency) – Nikolaos Davis HBT - ??? Flow (directed, elliptic, higher) for A+A - ??? People with no subjects of analysis defined: Anar Rustamov (Post Doc. in Frankfurt), Rafał Idczak (Ph.D. student in Wrocław), a part of (current and future) Belgrade's group, …? We still have some ??? subjects - volunteers are very welcome!


Target: 20cm long liquid hydrogen (LH); NA61 interaction trigger selects mostly Target interaction but small fraction of unwanted Non-Target interactions is also included (the problem mostly concerns p+p interactions → data taken in 2009/10) p+p interactions in NA61 Target: 20cm long liquid hydrogen (LH); contamination from Non-Target interactions (collisions with mylar windows, air/gas, etc.) beam In order to make corrections for those Non-Target interactions, NA61 acquires data also without target: EMPTY (for LH target) or OUT (for solid targets) p+p full target interactions p+p empty target interactions FULL EMPTY The procedure of extracting Non-Target events already found for yields, spectra, fluctuations of multiplicity, average pT, azimuthal angle, and chemical fluctuations → for details see T. Cetner and K. Grebieszkow, arXiv:1101.0710

CP – critical point OD – onset of deconfinement, mixed phase, 1st order phase transition HDM – hadrons in dense matter PDM – properties of deconfined matter