Panel session: East Africa Procurement Forum The Ugandan Government Procurement Portal aligned to the Open Contracting Data Standard Panel session: East Africa Procurement Forum The aligned GPP Set in September 15, 2017 – Cost 15,000 USD for alignment of the existing portal OCDS compliant: A unique identifier number consistent all through the procurement cycle An accessible and re-usable formats (Excel and Json) A set of standard information to disclosed for each procurement stage Mobile responsive Result of a consultative process and collaboration between government and civil society
Benefits Improve monitoring of performance in public procurement In the long run, improve outcomes of public procurement (value for money) Enhance trust and knowledge of private sector in the market Enhance trust and understanding of the citizens about government work
Moving forward… We recommend member states to adopt Open Contracting Data Standard in aligning their procurement portals and integrating it in their legal framework as a mandatory requirement for proactive disclosure on public procurement information.
Thank you.