Humanist SchoolValues Humanist Ethos Project
The Ten Commitments Altruism Caring for the World Around Us Critical Thinking Empathy Ethical Development Global Awareness Human Rights Peace and Social Justice Responsibility Service and Participation
Humanist School Values 1. DIGNITY: Proclaim the natural dignity and inherent worth of all human beings. 2. RESPECT: Respect the life and property of others 3. TOLERANCE: Be tolerant of others belief and life styles 4. SHARING: Share with those who are less fortunate and assist those who are in need of help. 5. NO DOMINATION: Do not dominate through lies or otherwise. 6. NO SUPERSTITION: Rely on Reason, Logic and Science to understand the universe and to solve life’s problems. 7. CONSERVATION: Conserve and improve the Earth’s natural environment. 8. NO WAR: Resolve differences and conflicts without resorting to war or violence 9. DEMOCRACY: Rely on political and economic democracy to organize human affairs. 10. EDUCATION: Develop ones intelligence and talents through education and effort. Source: Rodrique Tremblay “Global and Rational Ethics”
Personal goals Take responsibility for self improvement: Understand your own strengths and weaknesses Develop self-respect and self-discipline Develop your talents and use opportunities Strive for new knowledge, wisdom and understanding Influenced by: Michael Rosen & Annemarie Young “What is Humanism?” pages 22-5
Relationships with others We should: Respect and care for others Earn loyalty, trust and confidence by working cooperatively Respect the privacy and property of others Resolve disputes peacefully
Your place in society Respect the law Respect freedom of thought We should: Respect the law Respect freedom of thought Be helpful towards others Respect democracy Be truthful and act with honesty
You and your environment We should: Protect our environment for future generations Understand our responsibilities for other species Preserve the balance and diversity in nature wherever possible Preserve areas of beauty and interest for future generations
Personal pledges For Yourself I value myself as a human being and I will strive for new knowledge, wisdom and understanding. During the coming year I will aim to… For your relationships with others I value others and will respect and care for them. For your place in society I value truth, justice, human rights and freedom. As a responsible citizen during the coming year I will… To care for your environment I will take care of the local environment so during the coming year I will…
Humanist Counsellor Responsibilities: Organising weekly debates on issues of human interest. Running a club for children to promote humanist activities. Promoting the celebration of important days in human achievement. Arranging charitable activities in the local community. Mobilising students and staff to protect the local environment. Being part of the school disciplinary committee.