Objectives of work with Bruno Bueno Grégoire Pigeon
Presentation of Bruno Background : Engineer from University of Malaga (Spain) in Energy, Heat transfer, fluid dynamics Master of Science In Building Technology from MIT (Boston, USA) Current position : PhD candidate at MIT Contract at GAME on the Muscade project until May 2011 Previous work done with Bruno: after a short stay in GAME in 2009, Bruno has developed a coupled system between TEB and EnergyPlus 19/10/2009 2
Objectives of the work proposed to Bruno Work on the building energetics in TEB for urban climate studies Former works demonstrated the impact of urban energetics of buildings on the urban climate (Kikegawa, Sailor, Salamanca), During winter -> Capitoul field campaign: energy supply of the same order than the solar energy during summer, During summer -> evaluation of the impact of waste heat releases by air conditioning systems on Paris local climate 19/10/2009 3
Objectives of the work proposed to Bruno In relation to MUSCADE Development of a more complete and realistic building energy model in TEB, The BEM should be able to represent some energetically efficient adaptation strategy to climate changes: passive systems, economizers... In relation with his PhD Get experience with TEB to develop an urban weather generator to be applied to building energy simulations 19/10/2009 4
Methods/steps of the work Parametric analyses with the coupled system TEB-EP : identify energetic systems and processes that are significant Criterion based on the impact on urban climate (outdoor temperature, moisture) and energy consumption Implementation in TEB of such processes Evaluation between new TEB version, TEB-EP, Capitoul field campaign, other field campaigns ? 19/10/2009 5
Following presentations Presentation of previous work done with a coupled system between TEB and EP Presentation of the first developments done in TEB on the BEM 19/10/2009 6