What We Are Not Fighting For September 14
Warm-Up Grab notebooks Label Class Period and Date Label your first section: Warm-Up Write down these two questions: Describe what is happening in the image? How is it possible?
Today’s Text Title: What We Are Not Fighting For Author: British Prime Minister Lloyd George Publication: Westminster Published: January 5, 1918
Purpose for Reading – Your Job Write the following in your workbook: To examine the author’s purpose for writing the speech and his message
How You Will Earn Your Grade Write down the guiding questions: What ideas stand out to me as I read? What words or phrases stand out to me as I read? How does the author’s language show how he feels about the subject?
Once Completed You must create a text-specific question for the reader Example: How does the second sentence in paragraph 1 help organize the rest of the essay?
On Your Own Read Record your answers to the guiding questions Create a text-specific question for a peer to answer The question must be about a specific part of the speech.
Analyzing Details Tool
On Your Own Analyzing Texts Tool Use the tool to answer this question Question: What are the issues George holds against Germany and what would remedy the problem?
Exit 1. What words does Lloyd George use to describe Britain’s perspective on why the war began? 2. The Prime Minister mentions the “German People” on a few occasions. According to Lloyd George, how are the German people involved in the conflict?