New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Organics Waste Diversion Panel: Overview September 17, 2013 SUNY Sustainability Conference Gary Feinland
Beyond Waste: A Sustainable Materials Management Strategy New York State’s Materials Management Plan Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Combustion, Landfill Emphasis on reducing GHG emissions For Beyond Waste Report go to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Waste Diversion Goals and GHG Year Pounds/ Person/Day GHG Reductions (million MTCO2E 2010 4.1 12.8 2012 3.8 14.3 2014 3.4 17.1 2016 2.9 20.5 2018 24.7 2020 1.7 29.1 2025 1.1 31.8 2030 0.6 34.6 Source: Beyond Waste, Table 4.2 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
“State should lead by example” SUNY organics management programs have great examples For Beyond Waste Report go to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Organics in the Waste Stream Approximately 30% of New York State’s waste stream is organics. About 18% are Food Scraps. Data from NYSDEC’s Beyond Waste New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Food Recovery Hierarchy Source: USEPA, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Source Reduction Conduct a waste audit to identify where and how the food waste is generated Waste Audit Tools Scale Gloves Data sheet Bags New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Possible Outcomes of Waste Audit Identify where and how food scraps are discarded Communicate information to purchasing staff to reduce food purchased and save money. Potential to reduce disposal costs. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Food Donation Feed Hungry People Reduce Waste Disposal Receive Tax Incentive (Not SUNYs or other State entities) New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Liability Exemption Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Food Donation Act exempts donor from liability for illness as long as the donor has not acted with negligence or intentional misconduct. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Animal Feed Pre-consumer vegetative waste, bakery waste… Need Beneficial Use Determination (BUD) from NYSDEC (unless fed to animals on site) No meat, no plate waste in NYS, not even if it is cooked. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Recycling Food Scraps and Other Organics Most yard trimmings are composted in NYS facilities Less than 1% of food scraps are recycled not including in-sink disposers New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Four Things Needed for Composting Biodegradable Material Air Water Microorganisms New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Biodegradable Material Greens: wet, high in nitrogen Browns: dry, high in carbon New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Small Scale Systems: Open Pile New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Small Scale Systems: Home-made Bins New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Small Scale Systems: Store Bought Bins New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Don’t Add to Small Scale Systems Meats Dairy Fats and oils New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Large Scale Systems Meats o.k. in Dairy these systems Fats and oils New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
In-Vessel (Enclosed) Systems Meats Dairy Fats and oils o.k. in these systems New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Anaerobic Digestion Facilities Not many accept food scraps, but some are looking into it or currently adding equipment. More are taking food processing waste (industrial) Compostable food serviceware is a challenge in these systems New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Questions? Gary Feinland Environmental Program Specialist Division of Materials Management Albany, New York 12233-7253 (518) 402-8706 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation