Ancient greeks
Gods and goddesses We have been learning about greek gods/goddesses heres what we`ve learnt! Apollo is the god of music and poetry and hes the son of the almighty king of the gods… Zeus!!!! Hera is the goddess of marriage, and is Zeus`s sister plus wife! She is also the queen of gods.
greek democracy The greeks actually invented democracy, and used it fairly like we do today, but was everything the same? And was everything fair? Lets find out! SIMALARITIES DIFFERENCES Children aren`t aloud to vote. Women couldn`t vote. You have to be an adult to vote. They DID NOT have parties. They had courts/jury. they had no police. You have to be a citizen to vote. They had no monarchy.
Greek olympics The Olympic games started in 776,BC They were held in honour of Zeus [king of gods] The games were held at Olympia. Wrestling, trumpeting, discus, javelin, running, hoplite, horse racing, chariot racing, jumping and pankration, are the events.
Myths/mythology We`ve also been learning about greek myths, [Persephone, Theseus and the minotour, Pandora`s box and the Trojan horse] and we`ve wrote comic strips on the Trojan horse! Pegasus was a mythical winged horse and the greeks also believed in them.
Greek pots In class we have been learning to craft greek pots! First we designed them, then we were gave some clay and we got started! We left them to dry for a couple of days, and then we got messy with paint! Most of us painted them brown/gold and in a few days they were dry!
Thanks for watching!!!!!! We hope you`ve enjoyed reading this, have a greek-tacular day!!!!