Off-Peak power storage: advanced adiabatic CAES Indraneel Bhandari
Summary Need for Storage. Distributed energy storage and Utility scale storage. Existing Diabatic CAES plants. Advanced adiabatic compressed air energy storage. Requirements for AA-CAES. Pilot Plant Case Study – ALACAES.
Need for storage 21.6 GW – USA capacity. 150 GW – World storage capacity.
Source: http://css. umich. edu/sites/default/files/U. S
Why storage? Providing electricity at short notice. Frequency regulation. Peak shaving. Overcoming the intermittent nature renewable sources. More efficient use of Base Load plants. Backup power in forms of spinning reserve. Off-grid energy in emergencies.
Huntorf Plant, Germany – 1978: 290 MW Huntorf CAES, Germany McIntosh CAES, Alabama Huntorf Plant, Germany – 1978: 290 MW McIntosh CAES, Alabama, USA – 1991: 110MW
Source: ETH Zurich, Dept Source: ETH Zurich, Dept. of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Institute of Energy Technology Basic operating principle of an AA-CAES plant. Electricity during times of low demand is used to drive a compressor. The heat contained in the compressed air is stored, and the cooled air is stored in a hermetically sealed reservoir. To generate electricity during periods of high demand, the air is released from the reservoir, absorbs heat from the storage, and is expanded through a turbine that drives a generator.
The steel door in the main plug holds the pressure while granting access to the plant when necessary. Source:
Inside the pressure cavity. Source:
THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE Takes up the heat generated from the compression of the air. High temperature packed-bed TES – based on cycling of temperature (20°C to 650°C). Certain thermophysical property criteria have to be met for the materials being used. Selected sedimentary or volcanic rocks, depending on application. Proprietary concrete tiles for mechanical stability and insulation. Source:
Regions with geology favorable for CAES and class 4+ winds are superimposed to indicate ideal CAES plant locations. Source: Princeton University
Adiabatic Compressed air energy storage. World Scenario: Various pilot plants: ADELE, RWE – Germany. Alacaes – Switzerland. Features: Higher overall roundtrip efficiency. Zero-emission. Enables Utility storage. Shorter start-up time than 1pumped hydro. VAR support.
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