Timeline Work with your team to Create a Timeline of the history of cloning. Include h.G. Wells: The Island of Dr. Moreau, Written 1896 Google search: “timeline of the history of cloning”
Start a “Works CiteD” Page in Section 5 of your Binder. Here Kitty Start a “Works CiteD” Page in Section 5 of your Binder.
First Citation: Said, Carolyn. “Here, Kitty-Kitty-Kitty-Kitty.” San Francisco Chronicle 15 Apr. 2004: A1. Print.
What your partner thinks. “Surveying the Text” Prompt from Teacher What you think. “I think….” What your partner thinks. What does the title suggest the article will discuss? What does the end of the article include? What has happened in cloning since 2004?