MATUL REPORT Manila, Philippines MATUL Commission - 2015
DESCRIPTION MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines Our discussions evolve around the following questions: What is our vision for transformation? What kind of graduates do we want to produce and how are we going to do that? What will be our educational philosophy, approach and kind of curriculum we need? What extra steps are we going to take to put that into action? What kind of Christians are we shaping? Some are looking for a sense of community. We are envisioning to develop the ATS-CCS (Center for Continuing Studies) model type for CTUL -- offering church-based grassroots modular courses, on a certificate level of TUL. This means bringing the seminary into the communities. DESCRIPTION
MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines Developing a capacity for critical thinking as we have inquired into transformation from a number of different traditions, worldviews and approaches We have a transformational vision at our core for a long lime, thus we have a mature theological framework of transformation adapted to a context of urban poverty We want to learn with other schools on how to develop theological training and spirituality with churches as the center of transformation in the community Learn to listen to the entire context, what it teaches about urban poverty, ministry and transformation? -- OBJECTIVES
OBJECTIVES MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines Have a very powerful and rooted vision of urban transformation See the church as God's Name is manifested. The development of relationships, showing reconciliation through the cross. Living with the quality of life that is sustainable. To see the church as God’s agent, we don't need to do social justice but the church itself is the social justice. We are acknowledging the brokenness in the city and seeing God at work there bringing Shalom. (not a modernizing technological way of transformation but very holistic and integrated) We want to learn form other schools in different contexts and cultures about the different applications of transformational leadership principles OBJECTIVES
MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines MARKETING PLAN SY 2015-2016
FUNDRAISING EVENT MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines SEPTEMBER 25, 2014
Planned Certificate Program, Outline: MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines Planned Certificate Program, Outline: Urban Theology and Spirituality 2. Biblical and Theological Basis for Social Transformation (Transformation Theology) 3. Doing Hermeneutics with the Urban Poor 4. Theology and Practice of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management 5. Developing Social Enterprises 6. Theology and Practice of Community Organizing and Governance 7. Urban Social Analysis and Research 8. Capacity Building of Urban Leaders 9. Advocacy and the Urban Environment 10. Practicum
MATUL ENROLLMENT GRAPH MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines 32 31 30 30 28 24 24 24 23 22 21 20 19 17 14 12 MATUL ENROLLMENT GRAPH
MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines MATUL RETREAT 2014
MATUL GRADUATION GRAPH MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines 8 8 3 MDivTUL (Master of Divinity) GDipTUL (Graduate Diploma) DipTUL (Diploma) 3 2 2 3 DipTUL 2 3 expected graduates 1 1 1 DipTUL 1 1 MDivTUL 1 DipTUL 2 GDipTUL 1 DipTUL MATUL GRADUATION GRAPH
ALUMNI DATA TRACKING We have 34 Alumni from 2010- 2015 MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines We have 34 Alumni from 2010- 2015 Batch 2010: 9 Graduates of which 2 deceased Batch 2011: 5 Graduates Batch 2012: 3 Graduates Batch 2013: 9 Graduates Batch 2014: 2 Graduates Batch 2015: 6 Graduates ALUMNI DATA TRACKING BATCH 2010
BEST STUDENT PAPERS MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines Research Paper on Debt Problems of Factory Workers By Jose Crisaldo Leona (TUL Integration Seminar Course) Participatory Evaluation and Planning for the Diliman Campus Bible Church Community Outreach in Barangay Pansol, Quezon City By Mary Grace Ocampo (TUL Integration Seminar Course) The Effect of Broken Family Relationship to the Urban Poor Children By Ricardo Tapao (TUL Integration Seminar Course) BEST STUDENT PAPERS
BEST STUDENT PAPERS MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines Running Head: Gun Violence and Peace Making in a Filipino-Muslim Community By Maria Carmelita Arceño (TUL Integration Seminar Course) The Essentials of Church School for Church Growth: A Participatory Action Research of the Growth of Jesus Christ’s Church in the Valley through Cuatro Christian School By Ephraim Pol Jabian (TUL Integration Seminar Course) BEST STUDENT PAPERS
FAVORITE LOCAL BOOKS MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines The Church and Poverty in Asia FAVORITE LOCAL BOOKS
FAVORITE LOCAL BOOKS MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines Living in the Neighborhood FAVORITE LOCAL BOOKS
FAVORITE LOCAL BOOKS MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines Faith and Struggle on Smokey Mountain FAVORITE LOCAL BOOKS
FAVORITE LOCAL BOOKS MATUL REPORT 2015 manila, philippines Transforming Society: Reflections on the Kingdom and Politics FAVORITE LOCAL BOOKS
MATUL REPORT manila, philippines MATUL Commission - 2015