Expanding Access to University Press Books: A Multi-Format Consortium Collection Development Model Cathy Zeljak George Washington University, Chair WRLC Coordinated Collections Committee 2014-2017 Rebecca Seger, Oxford University Press, Senior Director Institutional Sales, Americas Kristine Baker, GOBI Library Solutions, Vice President Consortia Sales
Creating coordinated collections established as a non-profit corporation in 1987 to support and enhance the library and information services of universities in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Mission The Washington Research Library Consortium is a collaborative partnership providing proactive and responsive, innovative, cost-effective access to shared information resources, services and expertise. Strategic Priorities Creating coordinated collections Creating a robust infrastructure for discovery and access Ensuring the long-term preservation of physical and digital information resources Sharing expertise
WRLC Member Institutions American University Catholic University Gallaudet University George Mason University* George Washington University Georgetown University Howard University Marymount University* University of the District of Columbia
The Publisher Perspective
Realities of Monograph Publishing @ University Presses 200-300 copies sold worldwide Not publishing monographs for profit No expectations of heavy usage Published because they are important for the scholarship and literature in the field UP’s diversify publishing to allow for monograph publishing Digital access expands usage, affordability, usability Print monographs still have a place, particularly in social science and humanities
OUP Perspective on the WRLC print/digital acquisition models Model that supports print and digital purchasing needs of academic libraries Sustainable model for authors, libraries and publishers Supports the continued creation of the monograph, with expanded reach and usability Overcoming the acquisition challenges
Understand the level of investment by the consortia in our publishing OUP Considerations Understand the level of investment by the consortia in our publishing Reduce duplication and reinvest that in broadening the collection and access Improve usability/discoverability of monographic content Fulfill OUP’s mission
UPSO DRM Unlimited number of users for every monograph – meaning professors can incorporate into any class, anywhere, no need for course reserves. In our consortia model, each library participating owns the books (as with OSO) Unlimited chapter downloads during a session – users can download any number of chapters as needed without restriction. Users can print, save, email. Non-commercial text and data mining permitted. ILL rights are included
First Year of the Program 1000+ titles acquired 100+ titles added monthly 492 unique titles had usage to date 204 Titles had 5+ uses
Top 10 Most Used OSO Titles, 10/16 – Present Subject Reporting Period Total Debating Climate Ethics Philosophy 299 Social Marketing Research for Global Public Health Public Health and Epidemiology 151 Ten Neglected Classics of Philosophy 96 The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities Economics and Finance 91 Better Active than Radioactive! History 90 No Depression in Heaven 59 The Inevitable Party Political Science 58 Arguing Islam after the Revival of Arab Politics 57 Analytic Activism 46 Indentured Migration and the Servant Trade from London to America, 1618-1718 41
Approach to Collaboration Our objective is to create a flexible, sustainable and sensible model that can be examined annually to ensure effectiveness, and adapts to changes. We partner with the following consortia on collaborative collection development arrangements: Academic Libraries of Indiana (ALI) Central Iowa Collaborative Collections Initiative (CI-CCI) Lyrasis (ARL initiative) Manhattan Research Library Initiative (MaRLI) Ohio Library and Information Network (OhioLINK) Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL) Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL) State University of New York (SUNY) Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN) Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA) Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries ORBIS – Cascade Alliance
Experience | Innovation | Collaboration
GOBI’s Role in the Project GOBI identifies, orders, and delivers the OSO eBook collection and the print duplicate copies in specified subjects. Literature* Psychology Linguistics History* Political Science Law Sociology Philosophy Economics & Finance Religion Music Classical Studies Business & Management Print books are cataloged and delivered shelf ready to an off-site storage facility. eBooks are added to OSO throughout year, GOBI provides MARC records as new books are added to collection. OSO eCollection billed annually, print book duplicates billed at time of shipment managed through a deposit account.
GOBI End to End Solution Efficiency - GOBI manages purchase of OSO eBooks and Print Book duplicates Visibility - GOBI platform provides visibility of content owned by WRLC for member libraries Duplication Control - between WRLC and member libraries Discovery - Customized cataloging records and processing
GOBI Technical Services Solution Print Books eBooks Customized MARC Records local data indicating resource is owned by the consortium appended WRLC proxy prefix on the URL Customized MARC Records contain location and MARC item data to build holdings OCLC-based records provided via GOBI-OCLC Plus and holdings are automatically set Physical Processing Print books are shelf-ready and circulation ready from any participating WRLC library
Questions Cathy Zeljak czeljak@gwu.edu Rebecca Seger, Rebecca.Seger@oup.com Kristine Baker, kbaker@ybp.com