Average and Median Entering Debt of Graduating Seniors with Entering Debt, 1996 to 2016 Entering Debt in Current Dollars Entering Debt in 2016 Constant Dollars Average Median 1996 $14,650 $8,000 $22,594 $12,338 1997 $19,823 $8,500 $29,723 $12,745 1998 $27,749 N/A $40,879 1999 $21,589 $10,000 $31,263 $14,481 2000 $25,029 $12,000 $35,228 $16,890 2001 $28,413 $15,000 $38,666 $20,413 2002 $25,298 $33,828 $20,058 2003 $33,207 $43,449 $19,626 2004 $42,830 $20,000 $54,840 $25,608 2005 $44,382 $17,050 $55,167 $21,193 2006 $52,370 $62,708 $23,948 2007 $52,481 $61,257 $23,344 2008 $31,775 $16,000 $35,763 $18,008 2009 $35,281 $17,000 $39,162 $18,870 2010 $31,101 $34,192 $21,987 2011 $35,670 $38,443 $21,555 2012 $37,219 $38,971 $20,941 2013 $45,397 $46,755 $20,598 2014 $46,854 $24,000 $47,513 $24,338 2015 $34,866 $25,000 $35,101 $25,169 2016 $32,702 Source: American Dental Education Association, Survey of Dental School Seniors, 2016 Graduating Class Note: NA indicates data is not available.