Workforce Prescriptions’ Schedule Modeling Tool Entering Data
Getting Started, Logging In Go to the website: Click in the field labeled “Enter your account number” and enter your account number. (This number starts with the letters ‘WRX’) Then click on the “Next” button.
Getting Started, Logging In (Cont’d) Select your Cost Center/Department/Area name from the drop down box listed next to “Select your Cost Center”. Then type in your unique password (Each cost center gets its own password). Click the “Login” button.
Getting Started, First Time Login If this is your first time logging in, you will see the screen shown above and will be required to change your password before you can continue to your Dashboard. To do this simply enter your desired password in the ‘New Password’ field and then enter the same password in the ‘Confirm New Password’ field. Then click ‘Change It’. If you see the message “Update completed” when the page refreshes then Click the “Return to Dashboard” button
Entering Census Data Now that you are logged in, you can see your personal dashboard None of the grids or tools will work until data is entered To begin, select the “Update Work Volume” button on the left
Entering Census Data On the work volume page, begin entering your historical data into the fields provided. Remember to enter the highest work volume/census data in the Day, Evening & Night fields for each date. Where you don’t have any work volume/census data, leave the field blank rather than entering a “0” The default view only shows you 30 days at a time, if you wish to see more or if you made a mistake and need to correct it, click the link at the top labeled “Click to view 2 years of data” Pay close attention to the Year, Month, and Day columns when entering data. Notice in the image to the right there is a red bar, this is to notify you of a break in the dates. (Because data was already entered there) So you can tell data was entered for Thursday the 17th and should be skipped accordingly.
Entering Census Data Once you have entered your historical census data (or if you need to take a break), simply click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the section or all your work will be lost Then click the “Return to Dashboard” button at the top left of the page
Entering Other Data Once back on the dashboard, click on the “Update Ratios” button
Entering Other Data Once in the ratios page, enter historical & budgeted volume numbers, non productive load & staffing ratios by shift for up to 3 positions For questions/definitions of each of these items, click on the question mark next to each item The calculator icon to the right of each staffing ratio allows you to enter multiple ratios on a given shift (80% 1-2 ratio, 20% 1-1 “sitter”, etc. . .) When completed, click “Save Changes” to store the data
Entering Other Data After saving changes, click on the “Return To Dashboard” button. You can return to the “Update Ratios” page and update these numbers any time non-productive load, budgeted volume or acuity changes. You are now ready to view your grids or use the daily & weekly scheduling tools!
There are two ways you can log out from the tool: Logging Out There are two ways you can log out from the tool: On the dashboard page, you can click on “Logout” You can close your browser