Story-Line of the Hebrew Bible
“In the Beginning” (Primeval History) Where It’s Found: Genesis 1-11 Main Events: Creation Origin & Consequences of Human Sin The Flood Re-Populating of Earth Tower of Babel/Confusion of Languages Main Characters: God, Adam & Eve, Noah
Abraham & His Descendants: Patriarchal Period (2000-1700 BCE) Where It’s Found: Genesis 12-50 Main Events: God’s Covenant with Abraham Births of Ishmael & Isaac (Near-) Sacrifice of Isaac Birth of Jacob & Esau Jacob’s 12 Sons/Origins of 12 Tribes Joseph in Egypt Main Characters: Abraham & Sarah, Ishmael & Isaac, Jacob & Esau, Joseph
Bondage & Deliverance: The Exodus (1700-1290 BCE) Where It’s Found: Exodus 1-15 Main Events: Slavery in Egypt Call of Moses as Deliverer by “Yahweh” Plagues on Egypt Institution of Passover Crossing the Sea Main Characters: God, Moses, Aaron, Pharaoh
Wandering in the Wilderness (1290-1250 BCE) Where It’s Found: Exodus 16-40, Numbers, Leviticus Deuteronomy Main Events: Giving the Law/Covenant at Sinai Golden Calf & Other Disobedience Construction of Tabernacle Israel Learns about Holiness Main Characters: Moses, Aaron, People of Israel
Conquest of Canaan: The Promised Land (1250-1050 BCE) Where It’s Found: Joshua Main Events: Commissioning of Joshua Rahab Hides the Spies Fall of Jericho, Ai, etc. Division of the Land Failure to Conquer Parts of Canaan Main Characters: Joshua, Caleb
Era of the Judges: “No King in Israel” (1250-1050 BCE) Where It’s Found: Judges, 1 Sam. 1-7, Ruth Main Events: Death of Joshua Failure to Conquer the Land Israel’s Repeated Disobedience Rise of Numerous Judges Demise of Order in Israel Main Characters: Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, Samson, Samuel
The Monarchy: The United Kingdom (1050-930 BCE) Where It’s Found: 1 Sam. 8-31, 2 Sam., 1 Ki. 1-11 Main Events: Israel Demands a King; Samuel anoints Saul Saul sins; removal is predicted Samuel anoints David as 2nd King David unites the Kingdom God’s Promise of a “House” (Lineage) for David David’s sin with Bathsheba Gradual unravelling of David’s kingship Solomon becomes 3rd King; builds Temple
The Divided Monarchy (930-721 BCE) Where It’s Found: 1 Kings 12-2 Kings 16 Main Events: Rehoboam behaves foolishly; Jereboam establishes N. Kingdom (Israel) A succession of Kings, mostly evil in both Israel & Judah (S. Kingdom) Elijah/Elisha try to reign in the Kings Leads to fall of N. Kingdom Main Characters: Rehoboam, Jereboam, Elijah, Elisha
Judah Alone (721-586 BCE) Where It’s Found: 2 Kings 17-25 Main Events: N. Kingdom falls to Assyrians (721 B.C.E.) Judah continues approx. 150 yrs. Continued succession of idolatrous Kings Josiah’s Reforms Fall of S. Kingdom to Babylonians 586 B.C.E, destruction of Jerusalem & Temple Main Characters: Hezekiah, Sennacherib, Isaiah, Manasseh, Josiah, Nebuchadnezzar
Exile (586-538 BCE) Where It’s Found: 2 Ki. 25, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Esther, Daniel, etc. Main Events: Judah falls to Babylonian rule Persian rulers succeed Babylonians Numerous Prophets remind Israelites of their sins, reason for Exile Main Characters: Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Esther, other Prophets
Post-Exile (538-450 BCE) Where It’s Found: Ezra, Nehemiah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Daniel Main Events: Cyrus & Artaxerxes (Persian) allow successive groups of Jews to return to Jerusalem/Judea Ezra & Nehemiah lead in reconstruction of city & Temple Prophets declare continual sins of the people & need to get their hearts right Main Characters: Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel, Cyrus, Artaxerxes, various Prophets