6th Grade Accelerated Pre-Algebra Dawn Rice Mary Beth Johnston Room 207 Room 203
What is more important… process or product? Pre-Algebra Philosophy Course overview Organization Grading Projects Middle School Options Self advocacy What is more important… process or product?
Course Overview Variables, Expressions, Rational Numbers Solving Equations Ratio, Proportions, Probability Geometry Area and Volume Data Analysis Percent Factor, Fractions, Exponents Rational Numbers Probability
Organization Math notebook Folder for tests and practice paper 6 lbs. McDougal Littell Pre-Algebra Calculators
Grading Report Card Unit Tests Projects and unannounced quizzes Homework and class participation Letter Grades Percentages in the comment section Indicators +, s, - instead of E, M, A, LP
Mathematician/Scientist Research Group research Media and oral presentation Graded using 6th grade assessment rubrics M.C. Escher Study of mathematical applications in Escher’s Art Geometry study of stellated hedrons
Projects Stock Market Challenge Data Analysis Technology study of Excel Organize, make predictions, and evaluate effectiveness
Middle School Assuming your child does well in pre-algebra this year, there are two options for 7th grade accelerated math students. The requirements for both are listed below. Students who do not earn at least a 70% in Pre-algebra this year will have to attend summer school to meet the requirements or repeat Pre-algebra in 7th grade. To be placed into 7th grade Accelerated Algebra 1, the following criteria will be used: 6th grade Pre-Algebra Final Course Grade, A- (90%) or better Teacher Recommendation To be placed into Introduction to Algebra, the following criteria will be used: 6th grade Pre-Algebra Final Course Grade, C- (70%) or better
Math Courses for Middle/High School