After the NACTO Guide Now I’m going to discuss the options available within the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide
Issue 1: No connectivity for EB cyclists 5th St W Peachtree St One Way Issue 1: No safe and legal connectivity for eastbound cyclists Eastbound cyclists who wish to use the bicycle lanes along 5th St must ride against traffic on W Peachtree St for ½ block (either on the sidewalk or in the travel lanes) If we could rebuild the intersection, a contraflow bicycle lane would likely be installed, but funding for such a project is unavailable 5th St
Contra-Flow Raised Cycle Track Solution: Contra-Flow Raised Cycle Track Uses existing capacity on the wide sidewalk to accommodate southbound cyclists Very intuitive movement; most are already making same move Does not require moving curb or disturbing street trees, traffic signal mast arms or any street furniture Provides new ramps at either end of cycle track to separate cyclists from pedestrians
Signal Actuation & Detection Solution: Signal Actuation & Detection Will provide new push button accessible to eastbound cyclists waiting on new ramp to cross West Peachtree Street No need for new bicycle signal head as signal head already exists from driveway that was removed Actuates existing phase for 5th Street; does not conflict with westbound motor vehicle movement
Issue 2: Unsafe left turn for NB/WB cyclists 5th St W Peachtree St Issue 2: Northbound to westbound left turn conflicts Because of intersection offset cyclists traveling westbound on 5th St must wait for green signal and very quickly traverse intersection, crossing four travel lanes all at once, while watching for right-turning vehicles Northbound cyclists on W Peachtree St wishing to turn left must cross these four lanes while traffic is moving alongside them; carefully judging the gaps between vehicles Many elect to ride northbound on sidewalk and cross as a pedestrian 5th St
Two-stage Turn Queue Box Solution: Two-stage Turn Queue Box Cyclists traveling west on 5th St and north on W Peachtree St will use a new left-turn queue box to the right of the existing bike lane Curb will be moved five feet to the east Crossing will be marked in green paint and advanced warning signage will be installed on eastbound 5th St More experienced cyclists will still be able to make traditional left turn
(Bicycle) Signal Head Solution: (Bicycle) Signal Head Traditional small signal head will be installed facing the new queue box (no need for special bicycle signal) Will be activated by new push button accessible to westbound cyclists waiting in queue box Actuates existing phase for 5th St; conflicts with westbound motor vehicle movement May implement leading bicycle phase to allow cyclists to “claim” the intersection
Site Two: 14th St at Juniper St Area Overview North Midtown Piedmont Park Newly installed westbound conventional bike lane along 14th St; ends at Juniper St Plans for southbound bicycle lane on Juniper St Within heart of Midtown business district Piedmont Park immediately to the east Downtown
Issue: Unsafe left turn for WB/SB cyclists Issue: westbound to southbound left turn conflicts Bicycle lane will continue to the south along Juniper St; requiring a left turn Traffic signal has separate through and left-turn phases; requiring left turning cyclists to cross moving through-lane to turn left with green arrow, or Merge from bicycle lane across travel lane before intersection
Two-stage Turn Queue Box Solution: Two-stage Turn Queue Box Cyclists traveling west on 14th Street will use a new left-turn queue box past the intersection Crossing will be activated by new push button accessible to southbound cyclists waiting in queue box Actuates existing phase for driveway (motor vehicles and pedestrians) Westbound through cyclists will move into the travel lane in advance of intersection More experienced cyclists will still be able to make traditional left-turn through merging in advance of the intersection
Site Three: Juniper St b/w North & 14th Area Overview Downtown Midtown Streetscape project along Juniper Street between North Avenue and 14th Street Southbound multi-lane roadway; part of one-way couplet Intersects with a Core Bicycle Connection and three Secondary Bicycle Connections Piedmont Park
Issue 1: Appeal to interested but concerned Issue: Create a design that attracts new cyclists (especially the “interested but concerned” contingent) Currently a four-lane southbound one-way street through a primarily residential high-density neighborhood Off-peak on-street parking on both sides of street Plans for a streetscape project include adding a southbound bicycle lane using AASHTO and MUTCD standard design tools Juniper St
Buffered Bike Lane/Cycle Track Solution: Buffered Bike Lane or Cycle Track Currently proposed as a buffered bike lane with a two-foot striped buffer Discussing conversion to a one-way protected cycle track or raised cycle track; providing more protection for cyclists Have used NACTO design guide in discussions All options would provide additional horizontal or vertical separation between cyclists and nearest travel lane (vs. convention bike lane) Plan to analyze the tradeoffs of both options (comfort vs. maintenance vs. cost)
Issue 2: Entering bike lane/cycle track Juniper St Issue: Cyclists approaching Juniper St will need to turn left across travel lanes to enter new buffered bike lane or cycle track Design currently has no special accommodations for left-turning cyclists (even at Core and Secondary Bicycle Connections) Results in disconnected network 5th St
Bike Boxes Solution: Bike Boxes In discussions with designer regarding addition of bike boxes; especially at intersections with Core and Secondary Bicycle Connections Would provide protected storage area for left-turning cyclists approaching red signal (which is usually the case) Have used NACTO design guide in discussions
NACTO Guide Elements Used Example City of Atlanta Projects Bike Boxes Buffered Bike Lanes Colored Bike Facilities Intersection Crossing Markings Raised Cycle Tracks (Bicycle) Signal Heads and Actuation Two Stage Turn Queue Boxes Other City of Atlanta Projects Contra-Flow Bike Lanes Conventional Bike Lanes Two-way Cycle Tracks Shared Lane Markings
Urban Bikeway Design Guide Phase II A second of phase of the bike guide is currently under development and will look more closely at materials, more state-of-the-practice designs, and updates based on this quickly evolving field.
Q & A Joshuah D. Mello, AICP As a closing note, I encourage states, cities, and towns around the United States to use, embrace, and adopt this resource in their efforts to promote sustainable transportation in their continued effort to make cycling a mainstream form of commuter transportation in cities across America. Joshuah D. Mello, AICP Assistant Director for Transportation Planning City of Atlanta, Office of Planning 404-330-6785