AMS is Going Green!
Green School Application Process Schools must document activities accomplished over a 2 year period (ending on June 1st of the year the application is submitted). Major components of the application include: • A one-page cover sheet and a concise one-page summary • A short description (one-page maximum) followed by documentation of the following requirements: • Classroom Integration of environmental issue instruction • Professional development • Celebration • Demonstration of selected conservation best management practices (BMPs) • Sustained school-community partnerships to enhance environmental learning
Who needs to be involved? Representatives of each of the following groups: Teaching Staff Facility Manager Students Parents Community Partners
Community Partnerships Criteria for Application Community Partnerships Curriculum and Instruction Meet All Criteria Use of Environment as a context for learning Professional Development Celebration Meet 1 of 2 Criteria Your School is Active in the Community The Community is Active in Your School Schools Meet at least 4 of 7 Criteria Water Conservation/Water Pollution Prevention Energy Conservation Waste Reduction Habitat Restoration Structures for Environmental Learning Responsible Transportation Healthy School Environment Best Management Practices
(We already have started!) When Do We Start?! (We already have started!) School yard restoration projects Partnership with Arlington Echo Science curriculum (environmental units in every grade) Recycling available Partnership with South River Federation $$ Support from Greenscape and Unity Garden DNR support
Plans so far….. Capture what we have done this year to date Develop a long range plan – where do we want to go and how will we get there? How will it be funded? How will it be maintained? Environmental units in Spring Earth Day celebration? Community school yard clean-up? Submit application Feb 1, 2013 (capture September 2011-June 2013) File electronically (of course!)
Ideas?? Promote Abitibi recycle bins Terracycle Donorschoose School energy audit Track trash/recycling Involve Boy/Girl scouts (Gold/Eagle projects) Green Ribbon School STAR Academy
Available Resources…. Support of the faculty and staff Community partnerships AACPS Green Schools MAEOE The Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education Parents Students