KEY CHALLENGES FOR YOUNG FARMERS By Kati Partanen, President of IFAP Young Farmers’ Committee Brussels, June 16th 2010
MY BACKGROUND Farmer (pig meat, cereals, horses and forestry) President of IFAP Young Farmers’ Committee Substitute Principal Lecturer in Savonia University of Applied Sciences (
International Federation of Agricultural Producers Representing about 120 family farmers’ organizations from 80 countries Both from developed and developing countries Brings farmers from all over the world together to make their voice heard and to exchange 3
IFAP Young Farmers’ Committee Members from all continents Annual meetings Every four years World Young Farmers’ Congress, next in July 2011 in Kenya Board 2008-2010: President (Finland) and three vice presidents (from Uruguay, Kenya and France) 4
ACTIONS TO HELP YOUNG FARMERS 1. Profitability Agriculture has to be profitable all over the world It has to be possible to make a living with agriculture seeing agriculture as an attractive business and positive investment Tools for young people to help their farms to be profitable education support advisory systems
ACTIONS TO HELP YOUNG FARMERS 2. Access to production facilities Credit Land Training and education Technology ICT’s Markets Etc.
ACTIONS TO HELP YOUNG FARMERS 3. Decision making Young farmers are professionals in agriculture and they want to be treated that way involving young farmers in decision making
ACTIONS TO HELP YOUNG FARMERS 4. Investing in agriculture Encouraging governments to make long term investments in agriculture giving a positive signal about agriculture
ACTIONS TO HELP YOUNG FARMERS 5. Capacity building Strengthening young farmers’ ability to be organized Capacity building in YF’s organizations and networks real exchange between young farmers from all over the world Stronger communication between young farmers e.g. social media as a tool to bring young farmers together Increasing awareness of decision-makers and public at large
“FARMING FIRST” A Call for Action The framework highlights six interlinked imperatives for sustainable development. Safeguard natural resources Share knowledge Build local access and capacity Protect harvests Enable access to markets Prioritize research imperatives CropLife International IFAP International Council for Science (ICSU) IFA
Thank you for your attention Thank you for your attention … the farmers’ voice at the world level