Bringing the restaurant to you Restaurant 2 You Bringing the restaurant to you Danelle Olson Victoria Bruss Victoria Burstein Chris Barr Grant Wallace
Mission At Restaurant2You we provide the finest food and beverage service. Our success depends on a speedy and convenient alternative to dining out. We are driven by accuracy and customer satisfaction.
Vision Our vision is to lead the restaurant delivery service. We want customers to associate restaurant delivery with the highest level of customer service, professionalism and innovation. Restaraunt2You will eventually become a household name. Future plans
Concept Convenience Speed Variety Place an order from your phone, internet or fax Speed 45 minutes Variety Currently have 15 restaurants Expanding to more
Management Team Christopher Barr, Director of Marketing Victoria Bruss, Director of Finance Victoria Burstein, Director of Business Operations Danelle Olson, Director of Daily Operations Grant Wallace, Director of Sales & Business Development
Industry 1/3 of restaurants in the US are in the Limited service restaurants category (NAICS 72221 and SIC 5812) Approximately 250,000 limited service restaurants which account for 260 billion in sales revenue. We take from the industry the good and leave out the bad.
Competition Direct Indirect Food 2 You Other restaurant delivery services Indirect Takeout Taxi Waiters On Wheels
Funding Total startup costs $50,000 $5,000 from each member, total $25,000 Remaining $25,000 from friends and family No need to borrow from a bank
Finances Revenue Net Income Year 1 $150,072.00 Year 1 $14,657.70 2 $172,582.80 2 $22,135.14 3 $198,470.23 3 $31,043.82 4 $228,240.75 4 $43,076.15 5 $262,476.87 5 $56,937.99 Break Even between years 4 and 5
Pursue or Exit? Exit