Christmas Cakes and Christmas Stockings Merry Christmas from staff and pupils in the Home Economics Department
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Making decorations – using Christmas cutters or modelling with sugar-paste
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Making decorations – using Christmas cutters or modelling with sugar-paste
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Making decorations – using Christmas cutters or modelling with sugar-paste
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Piping royal icing border and attaching ribbon
Finishing touches and attaching ribbon S5/6 Christmas Cakes Finishing touches and attaching ribbon
Piping border and finishing touches S5/6 Christmas Cakes Piping border and finishing touches
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Judges at work…. not an easy task!
S5/6 Christmas Cakes 1st Emily Rodgers
S5/6 Christmas Cakes 2nd Ruth Macdonald
S5/6 Christmas Cakes 3rd Aiyana Gibb
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Most original – Paige Grahame
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Emma Sherlow
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Kim Beaton
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Riona McAllister
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Katie Highton
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Keiran MacFarlane
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Eilidh Pearce
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Lisa Anderson
S5/6 Christmas Cakes Congratulations for creating these really impressive Christmas cakes. Well done!
S2 Prize Winning Christmas Stockings Overall Winner- Hamish Reid
2C1 Christmas Stockings 2C1 Ist Jack Kerr 2nd Amy Dow 3rd Josh Allan 4th Holly Wishart
2C2 Christmas Stockings 2C2 1st Rhian Deacon 2nd Ryan Scott 3rd Lily Lawson 4th Cara Patterson
2F1 Christmas Stockings 2F1 1st Hamish Reid 2nd Cora Lightfoot 3rd Matilda Gentleman 4th Tess Earsman
2F2 Christmas Stockings 2F2 1st James Oliver 2nd Ella Penman 3rd Nia Cove 4th Daniel Stephenson
S2 Christmas Stocking Judges at work….so hard to choose the winners as there were so many terrific Christmas Stockings. Well done S2’s