Pesticide Awareness Presentation to Lawton Chiles Middle Academy Allen Fugler Executive Vice President Florida Pest Management Association Mary C. Hartney President Florida Fertilizer & Agrichemical Association
Who Are We & Why Are We Here? FPMA and FFAA Answered an email and was invited by Jasmine on behalf of the Pesticide Awareness Team to address two issues: how pesticides sprayed on lawns are harmful to the environment especially our water. We are also interested in how pesticides that use organic ingredients are beneficial since they do not contain chemicals
What Is a Pesticide & Why Do We Need Them What is a Pesticide? "Pesticide" can refer to any substance that is made to control or prevent any pest, including: Insects Mosquitos, wasps cockroaches, termites, ants Weeds Poison ivy, ragweed and dandelions Rodents Rats, mice Fungus Mold Pesticides include man-made products as well as products derived from naturally occurring chemicals in plants or other organisms.
Need for Critical Thinking in Environmental Issues Debug the Myths Why Do we need pesticides?
Pesticides and the Environment Pesticides are rigorously tested by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for their potential human health and environmental impact before they can be registered and sold for use. We have an obligation to use them responsibly and according to the directions.
Does Organic Mean Chemical-Free? We live in a Chemical world H2O, NaCl “Organic” pesticides are chemicals too Natural does not mean benign or harmless Arsenic, copper, sulfur, snake venom Whether or not an organic pesticide is safe enough to use in your yard/house and near water is determined exactly the same way as for any other pesticide.
5 Steps for Safe Pesticide Use Identify the problem: What is the bug, rodent, or weed infiltrating your surroundings Select the right product: Choose a product that is designed to control the specific pest you are targeting. Prepare the area: Keep children and pets at a distance during applications and until the product dries, or as long as the product label suggests. Have absorbent materials nearby in case the product is spilled.
5 Steps for Safe Pesticide Use Read and follow the label instructions: Be sure to follow directions about proper protective clothing, mixing solution, rinsing containers and appropriate dosage levels. This is important when using natural, organic or synthetic pesticides as the safety and effectiveness of both depend on proper use. Always wash your hands after applying a pesticide. Do not overuse or underuse: Overuse can be hazardous, and underuse can help pests build up an immunity to the pesticide making treatment ineffective.
Critical Thinking is Needed Help Protect Our Environment Against Pests and Pollution