UNIT 7: OCCUPATIONAL STRESSOR Any source of stress at work place that resulted in stress response to the individual Major categories of job stressor: Organizational Individual Work environment
Major categories of job stressor a. Organizational -Lack of financial rewards -Lack of career guidance -Overspecialization -Work overload -Time urgency -Job complexity
Major categories of job stressor b. Individual Frustration Work & role conflict Interpersonal communication & problems Discrimination Bureaucracy Lack of activity & boredom
Major categories of job stressor c. Work environment Changes in work procedures & technology Change in work location Career development Violence at the workplace Retirement Bio-ecological factors
Stress & Job Satisfaction Work overload Clarity of job specifications Physical environment & nature of job Job status Job with to much/lack of stimulation, repetitive Level of interaction Physically demanding Accountability overload Mental challenge Decision latitude
BURNOUT Stress is extremely high & endless Workers feel pessimistic, unsatisfied, inefficient Job stress not properly handled Dysfunctions, insanity & depression > 80 hours/week --- experience burn out
Stage of Burnout Syndrome & Effect Stage 1 : The honeymoon Stage 2: Fuel shortage Stage 3: Chronic symptoms Stage 4: Crisis Stage 5: Hitting the wall Effect -Unassertive, submissive -Skip rest & break -No vacation -Physiological complaints -Easily angered & frustrated -Inability to delegate
Reducing Stress at Work Job enrichment criteria Job variety, task identity, autonomy Interpersonal criteria - confidence others will be truthful & honest, positive feedback Managerial criteria - cooperation between management & employee, common values, sharing responsibilities