Henry Predolin School of Nursing Integration of Community Health in Undergraduate Nursing Curriculum: Chronic illness, OBGYN & Pediatrics Presented by Kimberly Walker, MSN, RN, CHPN and Erika Helmer, RN, MSN, FNP Henry Predolin School of Nursing Edgewood College
Purpose of Community Health Integration More patients and families need support in vulnerable populations. Strong need for nursing presence: Advocacy Health promotion Health maintenance Education Collaboration/coordination of care from a holistic approach Responsibility and need to teach students importance of community care.
Chronic Illness Implementation Assessed where high needs in Dane County Triangle Neighborhood in Madison found- Low income housing Physical and mental chronic illnesses Poor support systems Significant utilization of emergency room service Below poverty income 3. Previous experience working with population
Structure of Chronic Illness Clinical Office hours on Wednesday and Friday afternoons-work closely with CDA housing management staff, on site staff and present opposite days of community paramedic Nursing assessments/interventions are done in clinic and home visits. Case management model-students have 1-2 patients manage each semester Other services include a) bimonthly foot clinics b) monthly nutritional and cooking class c) movement class and walking group d) monthly smoking cessation classes e) psycho/social support groups: grief, domestic violence, safety, meditation, social activities and dog therapy 2 x month
Community Clinical Famlies in Transition Clinical A vision of a community, wellness focused experience in ambulatory clinics and other community partners focused on Pediatrics and Prenatal / Postpartum care. Sites include : GHC ( Group Health Cooperative), ARC - maternal infant program , Bayview and Boys and Girl Club after school programs, Arboretum clinic, Gi Gi’s playhouse , health education regarding NAS/ NICU .
The Student Experience *Facilitated learning *Instructor present / drop in visits *Preconference time /journaling/assignments *Assisting in own learning and community networking *Chance to explore interests /RN role in the community *Health Promotion focused / Wellness oriented *Diversity ( culture , populations ) *Simulations (Peds/OB) and Bootcamp( with cohort)
Faculty Experience *Exploration of new ways of teaching students – community based *Nursing students can apply knowledge from this setting in any future professional setting *Networking *Cutting Edge * Expanding Partnerships for the school of nursing
Discussion /Questions THANK YOU !