Monitoring and Control of Blood Oxygen Saturation Levels Divia Patel, Angie Powe, Stacey Scheib Advisors: Dr. John Penn Dr. Paul King
Project Definition The goal of this project is to design, build, and test a device that can monitor and control simulated blood oxygen levels. Simulations will be similar to blood oxygen levels of neonates.
Why care about infant retinopathy? Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is a disease of the retina that prevents the eye from developing properly and can lead to permanent damage and blindness. ROP is responsible for more blindness among children in this country than all other causes combined.
What causes retinopathy? In premature infants, the normal growth of the retinal vessels stops, and abnormal new vessels begin to grow; this is usually associated with fluctuation in blood oxygen levels.
Specific Problem & Our Solution There is still vast fluctuations in the blood oxygen saturation levels despite monitoring and control with present methods. Our solution creates an integrator that monitors the blood oxygen saturation levels and adjusts delivery of oxygen.
What is our objective? Design an integrator that incorporates pulse oxymeter readings with changes in stats to adjust oxygen delivery, minimizing fluctuations in blood oxygen saturation levels.
Action Plan Future Goals Current Status Background Research Establish Contacts: Dr. Dan Lindstrom, Dr. Megan Rush Future Goals Design integrator and build integrator Get prototype breadboard and power supplies Select optical sensor and A/D converter Sketch tentative circuit and calculate circuit values Build analog circuit , take in vitro measurements, and connect analog circuit to the A/D converter Obtain oxygen sensor and oxygen blender
Weekly Scheduled Meetings All Group Members will work individually at their convenience. Meet as a group: Weekly on Wednesday evenings @ 10pm Group Members meet with Dr. Penn Weekly on Wednesday @ 12:00 p.m.
Articles Read by Group Members Fanconi, et al. Pulse oximetry in pediatric intensive care: Comparison with measured saturations and transcutaneous oxygen tension.The Journal of Pediatrics. Deckardt, et al. Noninvasive arterial hemoglobin oxygen saturation versus transcutaneous oxygen tension monitoring in the preterm infant. Critical Care Medicine. Morozoff, P.E., Evans, R.W. Closed-loop Control of SaO2 in the Neonate. Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology.