Promoting Inclusion with Classroom Peers


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Presentation transcript:

Promoting Inclusion with Classroom Peers Chapter 8

Peer Tutoring Tutoring can be a powerful tool in improving inclusive classroom performance Helpful in addressing diverse learning needs Benefits include: Improving academic skills Tutors usually benefit by serving as “expert” May improve self-esteem May improve attitude toward the subject and school What are the potential limitations for the tutor and the tutee?

Steps in Developing Successful Peer Tutoring Program Determine the content for tutoring material Devise a tutoring plan Establish procedures Determine rules for appropriate behavior Tutor roles and behaviors Monitor performance

Classwide Peer Tutoring One of the most highly recommended strategies for promoting achievement among diverse groups of learners All student are divided into pairs who alternate roles of tutor and tutee to master basic skills Benefits include increased time-on-task and opportunities to respond Recommended as a “Tier 1” Response to Intervention (RTI) approach Can be used at all grade levels and subjects

Implementing Classwide Peer Tutoring Use a variety of reading materials Include a stopwatch or timer for timing sessions Schedule regular tutoring sessions Devote one 45-minute session to teaching students how to use the materials correctly and how to be a helpful partner Teach students specific words and gestures for reinforcing partners, emphasizing good sportsmanship and cooperative behavior

Cooperative Learning Students are assigned to small groups and work collaboratively to complete group activities Strategies Create specific academic and/or social skills objectives Determine group parameters Explain goals, rules, roles, and procedures Monitor group activities Evaluate individual or group efforts

Cooperative Learning Roles: Full Option Science System Reader reads all print instructions and summarizes the activity Recorder records all data, observations, predictions and estimations Getter obtains and returns all lab equipment and materials Starter manipulates materials, supervises assembly of materials, and ensures all students are equally involved *Adapted and reprinted with permission from Mastropieri, M.A., & Scruggs, T.E. (1993). A practical guide for teaching science to students with special needs in inclusive settings. (p. 78), Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.

Preparing Students with Special Needs for Cooperative Learning Explain procedures and roles carefully so students understand expectations Give role appropriate for skill level Be sure student has necessary social skills for success in group Teach ALL students how to interact appropriately and how to accept individual differences in learning

Types of Cooperative Group Arrangements Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) Students meet in heterogeneous groups to study material. Graded on improvement of group. Team-Assisted Individualization (TAI) Placed in structured heterogeneous curriculum-based groups based on pretest score. Students help each other complete assignment. Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Working in cooperative reading and writing groups. Teacher leads instruction. Jigsaw Each student learns particular piece of information and then contributes to group. Students are tested individually on learning. Can also be used where groups teach one another. Group Investigation Students determine how they will learn materials and organize group.

Peer Mediation Strategies Students are trained in how to identify conflicts, negotiate, and resolve 5 part procedure: Jointly define the conflict Exchange positions and interests Reverse perspectives (state other’s point of view) Invent at least three optional agreements for mutual gain Reach an integrative agreement (the optional agreement that seems best to all parties)

Advantages of Cooperative Learning Improving achievement Group interaction Social learning Learning of students with special needs Students can contribute to activities they may not otherwise be able to participate in What other benefits can students gain from cooperative learning?

Challenges of Cooperative Learning Students with disabilities may not learn significantly more than if they participated in alternative learning conditions Interventions must be planned and monitored carefully Takes more teacher preparation and transition time Lessons may take longer What other challenges may you face with cooperative learning?