[Project Short Name]Stage Gate Approval Summary


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Presentation transcript:

[Project Short Name]Stage Gate Approval Summary [Note: Hints & Tips are provided through out this template & are shown in blue italic. Please delete these when you no longer require them, and in advance of submitting for approval consideration.] Project ID : [Project ID Number – as provided by PMO] Short Name: [Project Name] Department/ School/ Faculty: [Department / School / Faculty Name] Dean/ Chief Officer approver: [Name & Title of approver] Project Sponsor: [Sponsor Name / Role in TCD] EOG Champion: [EOG Champion Name / role in TCD] Project Manager: [Name, role in TCD ] Project Type/ Category: [Operational/ Change Management/ Legislative/ External/ New Build /Refurbishment /IT / Audio Visual / Infrastructure] Level of Funding Secured: [€€€ - total of funding secured as per Financial Plan or Funding Model] Total Project Cost: [€€€ –total project cost approved in principle OR Estimate as per Financial Plan] Approved Project Spend (Current Baseline): [€€€ Total Project Spend Approved to date as per Financial Plan] Additional Spend Sought: [€€€€ – to get to Stage Gate[?]] Document Version [e.g V0.1 must match filename] Issued Date: [ DD/MM/YY] Prior sign off, Review and Information Prior to submission into the approval & prioritisation process, key stakeholders in other business areas directly involved in delivery of this proposal or on whom the project is dependent, should review or approve this submission primarily from the perspective of their relevant business area / project role. [Note: Please review the table below & complete / update / delete key stakeholder details, as appropriate for your project] Key stakeholder/Dependency area Role Action Review Date Finance Rep / Contact name Verify Financial plan and Funding details Approve  DD/MM/YY ISS Rep / Contact name Verify IS costs   E & F Rep / Contact name Verify E & F costs Disability Services Rep / Contact name HR Partner / Contact name Review Space Allocation

[Project Name] Project Scope (as per approved baseline) Project Objectives / Purpose [Note: Provide a brief summary of the Key Project Objectives, from approved Business Case] Xxx Key areas In-Scope (from approved Business Case) Key areas Out-of-Scope (from approved Business Case) [Note: List the key areas that are in the scope of the project delivery.] Xxx [Note: List the key areas that are outside of the scope of the project delivery.] xxx

[Project Short Name] Stage Gate Approval Summary Decision on Stage Gate Approval sought from Steering Committee / CRG: [Note: Provide a brief summary of what the project is requesting/seeking approval for] [Note: Name the Project Stage the project is requesting to close and Project Stage requesting to commence. Please see example provided below for clearer understanding] (Example)-To approve the Project, request for the: Previous recommendation from CRG has been reviewed by PM/Sponsor/Steering, approval criteria has been fulfilled. Closure of Current Stage (Detailed Design Stage) on DD/MM/YY Commencement of Next Stage (Tender Stage) on DD/MM/YY €xxx funding being released to complete Next Stage (Tender Stage) Or Closure of Current Stage (Detailed Design Stage) (with exception of some key deliverables to be carried over) on DD/MM/YY Project Objectives / Purpose [Note: Provide a brief summary of the Key Project Objectives, this can be taken from the Business Case] Xxx

[Project Short Name] Stage Gate Qualifying Criteria Update on Qualifying Criteria from previous Stage Gate Approval: [Note: Replace the qualifying criteria with your previous recommendation from CRG] [Note: Update in Red the update for each action. Please see example provided below for clearer understanding] Sponsor to revert to CRG at Gate 4 with supporting documentation (Stage Gate Submission, Tender Recommendation, Financial Plan) Status: Done The project to commence discussion on the potential funding source in the intervening period and identify possible solutions when they return to CRG in February 2016 Status: Incomplete….because….. Financial Plan to reflect an appropriate level of breakdown that will support transparency and confidence in the management & control of the project finances The project is to ensure that a mandatory policy be brought to Council, and the outcome communicated to CRG by Sponsor Status: A new Digital Education Governance Group has been approved by Planning Group and Executive Officers Group and will progress the necessary policy pieces via the Undergraduate, Postgraduate committees and University Council The project to issue a one-page summary of the project to PMO for inclusion in EOG Submission Project to comply with Trinity’s capital project governance, and provide monthly performance reporting to CRG via the PMO (due by 3rd working day of the month). Status: Done, ongoing This approval is valid for 6 months, and may be revoked if not appropriately actioned within that period. Status: Noted, project started immediately on receipt of CRG approval

[Project Short Name] Stage Gate Approval Checklist [Note: Table below identifies a high level checklist of key items fundamental for approval purposes. Please see more detailed slides on each review category later in pack] Review Category Review Question Answer [Y/N] Qualifying Criteria from previous Stage Gate Has all Qualifying Criteria from previous Stage Gate as per CRG recommendation issued to Sponsor and Project Manager been completed? [Y/N] Schedule Is the project’s delivery performance as per approved schedule baseline? [See Project Roadmap slide for further detail on the project’s delivery performance] Deliverables Are all key planned deliverables for closing stage fully approved and accepted? [See Outstanding Key Deliverables slide for further detail] Financials Is the project’s financial performance as per approved baseline? Has the Financial Plan been updated to reflect the required funding being sought and has it been signed off by a Finance Partner? [See Benefits/Funding Model, Financial Performance, Project Costs & On-going Costs slides for further detail on the project’s financials.] Scope Have the objectives of the project changed?  Has there been any variation in project scope (approved in scope/out of scope is unchanged). [any change in approved scope requires a change request] Key Risks, Issues Are there any key project risks or issues requiring the attention of Steering/CRG? [See RAID slide for further detail on Key Project Risks, Assumptions, Issues & Dependencies likely to hinder the approval of next project stage] Resource Capacity Is resource demand as per the approved baseline? [addition to schedule also impacts resources and should be addressed in change request] Change Requests (CRs) Are there any outstanding project change requests (CRs) awaiting approval? [See Change Requests slide for further detail on any outstanding CRs] Project Risk Indicator (PRI) Has the Project Risk Indicator changed since the last submission through Governance Stage Gate? [See Appendix A for further detail on whether overall project risk is indicating, low, medium or high]

[Project Short Name] Project Roadmap [Note: Include Project Roadmap (insert from excel doc); the chart should illustrate planned vs actual – where is the project in terms of milestones/deliverables compared to where it is planned to be]

[Project Name] Outstanding Key Deliverables [Note: Include a status of key deliverables outstanding on the project] Deliverables Deliverable Status Due Date Action Owner Actions To Close Deliverable 1 Awaiting Approval Xxx Deliverable 2 Deferred Deliverable 3 Deliverable 4 [List key deliverables outstanding on the Project, refer to Project Delivery Plan (WIP)] [Awaiting Approval/On Hold/Deferred/No longer required/In Progress] [dd/mm/yy] [Name of action owner of deliverable] [Provide any actions to close in order to get to/achieve an approved deliverable status] Project End Date REPLACE WITH APPROPRIATE INFO

[Project Name] Benefits/Funding Model Note: Example of Benefits Model include best case and worst case scenarios/ Increases in student/researcher numbers which result in worst and best case income generation. Please insert key Benefits/Funding Model as agreed with FSD/ Finance Partner. Example of extract from Financial Plan REPLACE WITH APPROPRIATE INFO Notes on Finanicals/Benefits: CRG require confirmation that funding and approval to proceed (by Dean/Chief Officer) is in place before approval is sought via Governance/CRG. Fund Raising/ Payback/ROI details to be provided.

[Project Short Name] Financial Performance [Note: See more detailed project information from latest Finance Plan (Appendix B)] Project Stage/Description Approved (€000) Date Approved (dd/mm/yy) Approval By Actual/ Committed Spend (€000) Variance (€000) +/- Comments Total Project Cost (Approved in principle OR Estimate) €xxx DD/MM/YY CRG/EOG/Board   Approval & Prioritisation (Gate 0) CRG €€€ approved to Gate 3 Initiation & Strategic Planning (Gate 1) Change Request €x Detailed Planning & High Level Design (Gate 2) Detailed Design (Current Stage) (Gate 3) SPEND TO DATE Tender (Execution & Handover )- Next Stage (Gate 4) €xx Execution (Execution & Handover ) (Gate 5) Closeout (Gate 6) Post Project € Additional Spend Sought € Proposed Project Spend/ Seeking Approval (Future Baseline) - VAT Inclusive REPLACE WITH APPROPRIATE INFO

[Project Name] Project Cost Baseline (summary) [Note: Include Summary Details from Project Financial Plan; additional information may also be included (graphs, numbers)] REPLACE WITH APPROPRIATE INFO Financial Performance Notes: Note 1: €€€€€ includes 5% retention cost. Note 2: Baseline cost estimated at MMYYYY CRG of €€€; actual cost post tender confirmed as €€€

[Project Name] On-going Operational Costs [Note: Include On-going Costs Details from Project Financial Plan] REPLACE WITH APPROPRIATE INFO

[Project Short Name] Key R.A.I.D Requiring Attention [Note: Use RAID log to assist when completing Key Risks/Issues below] Prty No. RAG Status Description Potential Impact Avoidance/Mitigation Action Risk Owner Action by Date Closed R01 00002 Open Planning permission will not be granted Project will not meet delivery date ensure contingency in schedule for planning Project Manager    A01 Assumption ROI will be met in agreed timeframe College loan will not be paid back in agreed time Monitor ROI forecast during project & post project Sponsor D01 Dependency on internal completion of Project Z prior to delivery Impact on capital projects portfolio Monitor delivery/project schedule of project Z to ensure it does not delay impact on approved schedule PMO/Sponsor [Risk ID as per RAID log ] [Provide the RAG status of the risk] [Provide a brief description of the key risk as identified in RAID log] [State the recommended mitigation strategy to manage the risk] [Provide owner as per RAID log] Resolution date actual date closed [assumption ID as per RAID log] [Provide the RAG status] [Provide a brief description of the assumption identified in RAID log] [State the recommended mitigation strategy to manage the assumption] [Provide owner as per RAID log] [Issue ID as per RAID log ] [Provide the RAG status of the issue] [Provide a brief description of the key issue as identified in RAID log] [State the recommended mitigation strategy to manage the issue] [Dependency ID as per RAID log ] [State the recommended mitigation strategy to manage the dependecy]

[Project Short Name] Stage Gate Approval Appendices Project Risk Indicator (PRI) Status Report Include Relevant Additional Project Financial Information(e.g. from updated Financial Plan) Change Request Log [Include other additional information / detail that might support your proposal]

[Project Short Name] Project Risk Indicator [Note: The PRI log below captures a risk indicator (Low, Medium, High) of the project to date] Project Risk Indicator Very Low (1) Low (2) Medium (3) High (4) Very High (5) Score (Current Stage) Score (Next stage) Team size <3 3-7 8-12 13-17 >17 # of cross functional areas involved 01-Feb 3-4 5-7 8-10 >10 Estimated Duration (Elapsed Months) < 4 4-11 12-18 19-24 >24 Technology and / or Business Process – Known or New In house expertise Very Familiar Somewhat Familiar New to TCD New to industry/ Leading edge Complexity of solution Well defined. No problems expected Known. Some minor problems expected Known but some medium / major problems expected More than 1 approach available Solution unknown or vaguely defined Dependency on external suppliers / organisations Long standing Reasonable relationship Used before, but not regularly Used before, but not recently No previous relationship Risk to Reputation Reputational risk Unlikely to happen, Negligible impact Reputational risks occasionally occur, Minor impact to reputation Reputational risks are likely as not to occur, Notable impact to reputation Reputational risks are likely to occur, Substantial impact to reputation if they do Reputational risks certain to occur, Threatens the reputation of the project or TCD TCD/External Resource Impact In house skills present and project is easily absorbed within current workload In house skills present with some occasional impact on current workloads In house skills present but the project will impact current workloads and require backfill Up skilling required, resources will be dedicated to the project, or may require external resources In house and external resources dedicated to the project and from more than one department Funding/Finance Funding exists with current budgets Most Funding in place or requires minor budgetary allocation Funds not in place. Project will impact departmental budgets Funding sources not clear, will impact TCD budgets Funding will be difficult, funding complexity mix high and possibly not attainable Project Scoring: Low Medium High <19 19 – 31 > 32 The Project Scoring of the Current Stage as submitted and approved (Please also indicate whether Low, Medium, High)

[Project Short Name] Change Requests Log [Note: Include upcoming CRs for next stage of project] Change Request (Provide ID from CR log) CR Description CR Owner Impacts on Project [List the IDs where a CR has been issued] [Provide a brief description of the CR (see CR log) e.g. increase/decrease to budget, scope, project resources etc…] [Person/college area seeking approval of CR] [Provide a brief description on the areas the CR will impact] [budget Scope Resource Quality] CR03 Xxx