You Don’t Have To Be BUZZED To Be BUSTED Under 21? You Don’t Have To Be BUZZED To Be BUSTED
Drink and Drive and Lose your License… Even just a beer… Even just parked… With an alcohol level of .02 - .07 percent, lose your license for 90 days. On your second offense, lose your license until you are 21. And if you are close to 21, you lose it for another year…until you are 22.
Drive Drunk or Drugged and Lose Big Time… Even at the age of 16, you will face severe penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. At .08 percent, you can face jail time or electronic monitoring at home. The fines and fees can cost your parents more than $8,000. The judge can order an ignition interlock installed on all the cars in your family. It will not start unless you take a breath test first.
“But I Wasn’t Even Drinking…” That’s right. Minor in possession charges apply if you have alcohol anywhere around you. A good reason to choose friends who do not drink.
“But The Driver Wasn’t Even Drunk…” Drivers under age 21 with a blood alcohol level of .02 percent to .07 percent will lose their license. It only takes about one beer to get to .02 percent. For some individuals, it is even less than that.
Refuse The Test And Lose Again… If you refuse to take the alcohol breath test when an office asks you to, your driver’s license will be revoked for at least one year. At the end of that period, you will have to retake and pass the driver’s test to get your license back.
Commit any Alcohol, Firearm, or Drug Offense and…That’s Right, Lose Your License If you are between age 13 and 17, any alcohol or firearm offense will result in a loss of your driver’s license until you are 17 or for at least one year. If you are under 21, any drug offense results in the loss of your driver’s license as well.
BAC Test Refusal First Offense: License revoked for one year. Second Offense: License revoked until age 21 or at least 2 years.