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Presentation transcript:

We Are Delighted You Are Here! Welcome! We Are Delighted You Are Here!

Questions? Just Let Us Know! Welcome! Questions? Just Let Us Know!

II Corinthians 9:1-8 “For as touching the ministering to the saints, it is superfluous for me to write to you: (2) For I know the forwardness of your mind, for which I boast of you to them of Macedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago; and your zeal hath provoked very many.”

(3) Yet have I sent the brethren, lest our boasting of you should be in vain in this behalf; that, as I said, ye may be ready: (4) Lest haply if they of Macedonia come with me, and find you unprepared, we (that we say not, ye) should be ashamed in this same confident boasting.”

(5) Therefore I thought it necessary to exhort the brethren, that they would go before unto you, and make up beforehand your bounty, whereof ye had notice before, that the same might be ready, as a matter of bounty, and not as of covetousness. (6) But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.”

(7) Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. (8) And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:”

Why We Do Not Believe In Tithing 10% of $1402.18 =$140.22 $140.22/4 $35.06 Why? Why We Do Not Believe In Tithing

Why We Do Not Believe In Tithing 10% of $3102.88 =$310.29 $310.29/4 $77.57 Why? Why We Do Not Believe In Tithing

Common Misunderstanding Malachi 3:8 “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings.”

"Tithing was a form of worship to God, and since we still worship God, we must still tithe." “Was” is the operative word here! Colossians 2:14 “took away” Hebrews 8:8-13 “new made first old” Colossians 3:17 “do all in the name of the Lord Jesus”

Giving Versus Tithing “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” (II Corinthians 9:7). Do any Scripture references in regard to voluntary giving, have anything to do with "tithing?" Absolutely not! Tithing was commanded by the LAW. Giving is voluntary from the HEART.

“Fellowship" In The Lord's Church Is Designed To Have... The "intimacy" similar to that found in a "family" The "interdependence“ similar to that found among members of a "body“ Did you ever think how various "acts of worship" done in our public assemblies actually contribute to this fellowship? What might be considered by some to be the least "spiritual" and the least likely to build fellowship? Could it be the "collection", known also as the "contribution“ or the "offering?" Taken up each first day of the week (I Cor.16:1-2) but little thought given thereto?

What is the purpose of the collection? A WAY TO PAY THE BILLS? A mere mechanical detail necessary to raise money to pay the bills, i.e., a rude intrusion of secular matters into an otherwise spiritual service. This attitude toward the collection might say: "Hurry up and pass the plate, so we can get on to more spiritual matters!“

What is the purpose of the collection? A PRIVATE ACT BETWEEN THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS GOD? An act of devotion to God for I give back to Him as He has prospered me but solely as a private matter between a person and His God, with no bearing on my fellowship with others. It is nobody’s business but mine! Are these Biblical views of the collection?

GIVING IN THE N.T. CHURCH There was a commendable spirit of giving for those in need. At first, the giving seemed to be informal, given directly from giver to one in need - Acts 2:44-45 Soon, the process became more systematic: brought to the apostles, and then distributed to the needy - Acts 4:32-35 From what is said by Peter to Ananias, this giving was a "freewill offering", not a requirement – Acts 5:1-4 CHRISTIANS IN ONE CONGREGATION HELPING EACH OTHER

THE CHURCH IN ANTIOCH Responding to a prophecy about a coming famine - Acts 11:27-28 They sent relief "according to their ability" to the brethren in Judea” - Acts 11:29-30 HERE WE HAVE ONE CHURCH HELPING MANY CHURCHES

THE MINISTRY OF PAUL He was asked to remember the poor – Gal.2:9,10 On his missionary journeys, he was careful to do so By giving instructions to the churches on how to collect the money – I Cor.16:1-4 By encouraging churches to imitate one another's liberality in giving He motivated the Macedonians by telling them of the Achaians' readiness and zeal - II Cor.9:1-2 He motivated the Achaians (Corinthians) by telling them of the Macedonians' sacrificial participation - II Corinthians 8:1-7

THE MINISTRY OF PAUL (cont.) Principles to govern proper giving. 1) It must be willingly - II Cor.8:12 2) It must be according to what one has, as God has prospered him - II Cor.8:12-14; I Cor.16:2 3) It must be with purpose (forethought) - II Cor.9:7 4) It must be done cheerfully, not as a grudging obligation - II Cor.9:7; cf. 9:5

The Biblical View Of "The Collection” A MEANS OF SUPPLYING NEED... A way for Christians to supply the needs of the destitute - cf. II Cor.9:12; Gal.6:10; James 1:27 A way for Christians to supply the needs of preaching brethren - cf. Philippians 1:5; 4:15-16; II Corinthians 11:8-9

The Biblical View Of "The Collection” A MEANS OF BUILDING & STRENGTHENING FELLOWSHIP This is how Paul viewed the support he received from Philippi - Philippians 1:5 “For your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now;” Philippians 4:15-16 “Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only. (16) For even in Thessalonica ye sent once and again unto my necessity.”

The Biblical View Of "The Collection” A MEANS OF BUILDING & STRENGTHENING FELLOWSHIP This is how Paul viewed the collection the Gentiles churches were sending to their Jewish brethren. Romans 15:27 “It hath pleased them verily; and their debtors they are. For if the Gentiles have been made partakers of their spiritual things, their duty is also to minister unto them in carnal things.” The Gentiles had been partakers (fellowship) in spiritual things with their Jewish brethren, now they were simply sharing (having fellowship) with them in material things.

The Biblical View Of "The Collection” A MEANS OF BUILDING & STRENGTHENING FELLOWSHIP The effect of such sharing was to create "longing" for one another; i.e., more fellowship together! II Cor.9:12-15 “For the administration of this service not only supplieth the want of the saints, but is abundant also by many thanksgivings unto God; (13) Whiles by the experiment of this ministration they glorify God for your professed subjection unto the gospel of Christ, and for your liberal distribution unto them, and unto all men; (14) And by their prayer for you, which long after you for the exceeding grace of God in you. (15) Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

The Biblical View Of "The Collection” A MEANS OF BUILDING & STRENGTHENING FELLOWSHIP Among the church in Jerusalem: a. Such sharing was the ultimate proof that they were of "one heart and one soul" (i.e., possessing true fellowship) - Acts 4:32 b. Such sharing was proof of their love for one another I John 3:16-18 “Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (17) But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? (18) My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.”

The collection is just one means to promote "fellowship" in the body of Christ! As We Give... a. We are sharing (having fellowship) with those whose physical necessities cannot be met on their own (whether here or afar) b. We are sharing (having fellowship) with those who are preaching the gospel (whether here or afar) c. We are sharing (having fellowship) with one another as we work together as a local congregation by pooling our resources!

When Giving Is Thought Of This Way… Even this simple "act of worship" becomes a means for developing our fellowship. b. What might be considered by some as a secular intrusion into an otherwise spiritual service is in fact an activity designed to increase our spiritual fellowship that we have together in Christ. c. Thus it confirms the idea that we are not to view ourselves as "isolated worshipers" when we come together, not even in our giving!

Why We Do Not Believe In Tithing 10% of $526.60 = $52.66 Why We Do Not Believe In Tithing

Why We Do Believe In Giving

Separate & Apart? Distinct from the Lord’s supper? Not as important as the Lord’s supper? One of them is required on the first day of the week? You get to pick which one is required?

Matthew 7:21-23 “Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (22) Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? (23) And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

God’s Simple Plan HEAR (Romans 10:17) BELIEVE (John 8:24) REPENT (Luke 13:3) CONFESS (Rom. 10:9-10) BAPTIZED (Gal. 3:27) ADDED TO THE CHURCH (Acts 2:41,47)

Remain Faithful Revelation 2:10 “Be thou faithful unto death” I Corinthians 15:58 “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.