for your generous giving First of all for your generous giving
Two Reasons for Giving Provide money to run the church In gratitude to God, as a mark of belonging
2016 Income £200,500
2016 Spending £199,000
Annual Meeting Sunday 2 April 12:00 here in the church
2017 Budget Planned spending £217,500 Income based on 2016 levels -£199,000 Extra income needed £18,500
2017 Extra Giving Planned spending £217,500 Income based on 2016 levels -£199,000 Extra income needed £18,500 This could be raised by: Extra giving £15,000 Gift Aid £3,500 Total £18,500
Jacob’s Dream
-> -> -> -> Gratitude Belonging -> -> -> -> leads to Gratitude which leads to Generosity
Matt 6 v20-21 “Store up … treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”
2 Cor 9 v6-8 Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Giving - practical guidelines What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion
Giving - practical guidelines What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion According to ability
Giving - practical guidelines What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion According to ability Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule
Giving - practical guidelines What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion According to ability Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you.
Giving - practical guidelines What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion. According to ability. Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule. Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you. Discussion at home is essential!
Giving - practical guidelines What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion. According to ability. Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule. Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you. Discussion at home is essential! God knows if life’s a struggle
Giving - practical guidelines What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion. According to ability. Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule. Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you. Discussion at home is essential! God knows if life’s a struggle If life’s comfortable, enjoy it … and be generous!
Giving - practical guidelines What you decide, not reluctantly or under compulsion. According to ability. Tithe (10%) is a good starting point, but it’s not a rule. Split between church and other charities? It’s up to you. Discussion at home is essential! God knows if life’s a struggle If life’s comfortable, enjoy it … and be generous! Aim is that at least 10% of church’s spending goes to others
-> -> -> -> Gratitude Belonging -> -> -> -> leads to Gratitude which leads to Generosity
for your generous giving And again for your generous giving