Aug. 21, the 3rd Friday of the Month Schedule 11 am: Feeding for the Poor at the Formation Center 4:30 pm: Values Formation and Rice Distribution at Brgy. Patag If you would to join us in this Corporal Works of Mercy, please donate cash or in kind to this program for the poor. You may give it to our parish office.
For whatever medical reasons, lives are saved through blood transfusion. Please do not be afraid to donate blood. Let us save lives. Donate Blood on August 22, Saturday 8:30 – 11:30 am here at Santuario Eucaristico.
On Sept. 8, Tuesday 9:00 am – 7:00 pm Venue: Santuario Eucaristico Registration: 50 pesos for your heavy afternoon snacks BYOP for your morning snacks and lunch
Those who would like to join the 51st International Eucharist Congress may register at the Parish Office.
God loves a cheerful giver. Your 1 peso donation every Sunday for the 51st International Eucharistic Congress is much appreciated. God loves a cheerful giver.
SANTUARIO RENOVATION UPDATE ESTIMATED PROJECT COST: Wall Repainting (Materials only) 600,000 Utility Room / Working Area …… 95,000 Door Repair …………………………….. 28,259 TOTAL ……………………………… 723,259.00
SANTUARIO RENOVATION UPDATE DONATIONS RECEIVED Previous week: …………. 201,200.00 From Aug. 9-15: …………. 5,500.00 TOTAL DONATIONS …… 206,700.00
SANTUARIO RENOVATION UPDATE LESS Previous Expenses: …..…. 103,841.00 Working Area / Utility Rm… 32,978.85 Total Expenses: ……. 136,819.85 FUND BALANCE: 69,880.15 pesos
SANTUARIO RENOVATION UPDATE Those who would like to donate, please get a pledge form at the offertory table. You may share these forms with your friends
Thank you so much.