TITLE PAGE: Project Title Member Entity Presenter Name Type of Project (Roadway or Bridge) Northwest New Mexico Regional Transportation Planning Organization NWRTPO December 14, 2016
Project Location Insert Location Maps Insert Project Maps Pictures If you need assistance with Maps, please contact Carrie House at (505) 722-42327 or chouse@nwnmcog.org
Problem, Need, and Supporting Data Succinctly state the problem and need Use data where possible If you need assistance with Data, please contact Carrie House at (505) 722-42327 or chouse@nwnmcog.org
Basics Basic Questions Yes, No, or N/A Was your PIF submitted on time? Is this Project included in ICIP If Yes, please provide Project Id # or Rank Is this Project included in Local Plan(s) If Yes, please list plans Has Your Entity Submitted a Title VI Plan? Has Your Entity Submitted ADA Transition Plan?
1.1 Project Action Plan & Phasing Please describe your action plan and timeline and/or phasing approach to this project
1.2 Public Support Please list your documented public support could include but not limited to: resolutions, petitions, public meeting documentation, support letters, news articles, etc.
1.3 Matching Funds Please list your available and documented matching funds or in-kind commitments Please indicate if proposed, approved, or pending
1.4 Readiness Documents, Clearances, and/or Certifications (Page 2 of 4 on PIF) Project Readiness (List as many that apply) Date of Completion, Started, or Anticipation of Completion PER Design (%) Environmental ROW Utility Railroad ITS Cost Estimate Engineering Contract Bid Documents
1.5 Operations, Maintenace, and Replacement Plan Please describe your OM&R Plan and documented commitment for O&M for this project
2.1 Economic Vitality (explanation in PIF) Please highlight key bullet points from narrative.
2.2 Safety for Motorized and Non-motorized Users (explanation in PIF) Please highlight key bullet points from narrative.
2.3 Security for Motorized and Non-motorized Users (explanation in PIF) Please highlight key bullet points from narrative.
2.4 Accessibility and Mobility of People and Freight (explanation in PIF) Please highlight key bullet points from narrative.
2.5 Environment, Energy Conservation, Quality of Life (explanation in PIF) Please highlight key bullet points from narrative.
2.6 Integration and Connectivity (explanation in PIF) Please highlight key bullet points from narrative.
2.7 System Management and Operation (explanation in PIF) Please highlight key bullet points from narrative.
2.8 System Preservation (explanation in PIF) Please highlight key bullet points from narrative.
2.9 Promoting Improved Health Please highlight key bullet points – NWNM Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Goal
2.10 Promoting Recreation & Tourism Please highlight key bullet points – NWNM Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Goal
Funding Information (Page 2 in PIF) Activity Federal Local Tribal Other Total Preliminary Engineering Right-of-Way Construction Management Construction
Questions “When we all work together, it is easier to get out of the mud”