REPORT ON LEARNING DURING THE STUDENS’ PRACTICE (linking theory and practice) University of Niš, Faculty of Philosophy Study program: MA in social work Courses leaded by professor Natalija Jovanović, PhD
Students who realized 5-days practice during May 2017: Verica Stanković, 13 Miljana Đurović, 22 Milan Videnović, 25 Nenad Stanojević, 1 Radmila Bukovac, 19 Ana Milijić, 4 Jovana Ilić, 3
Activities: Meeting with students – preparing for 5-days practice in institutions: Giving practical tasks to students Discussion on theoretical knowledge relevant for the practice Preparing questionaire for students Students self-evaluation related to linking theory and practice (before and after practice)
Institutions where students realized practice: - Center for social work, Niš 4x - Primary schools in Niš 2х - Center for social work and Institute for children and youth education, Knjaževac 1x
Practical tasks realized during the practice: Кeeping рecords on undesirable behavior of students for a particular evaluation period; analysis of teacher’s records on students’ behavior in the classroom and on undertaken activities; fulfilling the form of individual protection plan - 1x Cooperation with professionals from the school the child attends aimed to the implementation and monitoring of the effects of measures, case management, keeping documents - 2x Interview and counseling work with children who had a verbal and physical conflicts – 1x Monitoring the meeting of the biological parents with their children who are currently in a foster family – 2x Conducting interviews with the social service users (children and family) - 3x Making initial estimate and development of a plan of services and protection measures for child and family – 3x Advisory work with child’s family – 2x
Courses relevant for the realization of students’ practice: Social work in school Prevention of the school violence Education of children from socially excluded groups
Course contents relevant for the practice Social work in school Introduction to the organization of a school – 4x The role of professional services at school - 4x Understanding the role of social workers in schools, duties and responsibilities – 6x Mediation process – 1x Cooperation between school / social worker and family – 1x
Course contents relevant for the practice Prevention of the school violence Peers’ bullying – 4x Types of school violence – 2x Social and socio-preventive role of the school – 1x Social inclusion and the role of school: cooperation between families, schools, police, local communities and institutions of social protection – 5x Inclusive education, opportunities and difficulties; work with gifted children and work with children with disabilities – 1x Children - victims of the violence; how to identify a victimized child – 6x Social factors of juvenile deviation; family and school factors – 4x Ethnicity, social classes, gender and school violence – 1x Hyperactive children and school violence – 1x Introduction to relevant laws, international and national documents on the protection from violence 6x Measures against school violence, school programs for prevention of the violence – 1x Keeping records and documentation, keeping personal files of students – 1x Communication with victims and abusers – 1x
Course contents relevant for the practice Education of children from socially excluded groups Socially disadvantaged children – 1x Identifying children from vulnerable groups – 1x Poverty and social exclusion – 1x Children from socially disadvantaged families - 3x Children and young people with behavioral disorders – 2x The children’s rights and social protection measures for children from vulnerable and marginalized groups – 4x Channels of social inclusion – 1x Discrimination and stereotypes – 1x Development of tolerance and mutual respect – 1x
Products made during the practice: Protocol of the interview – 3x Plan of services and protection measures – 2x Records of the meetings of children from foster families with their biological parents – 1x Dossier of services users, initial assessment, adaptation plan, individual protection plan – 1x Dossier of students, individual educational plan – 1x Draft of methodological research plan for master's thesis – 3x
On the scale from 1 (I do not agree at all) tо 10 (I completely agree) estimate how much do you agree with following statements: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. Studying of these courses contributed to my understanding of the aim of realized practical tasks. 7x 2. Content of these courses contributed to successful performing of practical tasks. 3. Preparation for practice and detailed instruction given by professor contributed to my understanding of the link between theoretical knowledge and practical work.
On the scale from 1 (not at all) tо 10 (completely) estimate your own qualifications for performing professional tasks of social worker related to topics studied through these courses: Before studying of these courses: 6,3,7,4,7,8,5 (5,71) Before the practice: 8,9,8,8,8,8,8 (8,14) After the realized practice: 10,10,10,10,10,10,10 (10,00)
Students’ experience related to practice: This kind of practice is very important and necessary for (as seen by students): better understanding of the tasks to be performed - 2x introducing to the manner of performing of all tasks described in theory – 1x better linking between theory and practice and applying what we learn – 7x personal and professional development and improvement of competences acquired through the courses in the study program of social work – 2x development of communication and other competencies needed in contact with the social services user – 2x introduction to relevant laws wich regulate the field of social protection – 2x introduction to relevant laws regulating the work of the school and the role of professional workers (social workers) in school – 1x Additional students’ comments: This kind of practice should be regularly implemented in this master program, with a longer duration of practice – 2x This kind of practice is especially worthfull for students who come from other BA study programs – 1x