Please contact us on Phone: 0161 860 6039 Chorlton Nell Lane Do you want to volunteer for Sure Start. We have great opportunities for you. Pop in to find out more Nell Lane, M21 7SJ Winter Hardship Support Do you struggle at Christmas? If you would like Sure Start to refer you for some toys and/or a food parcel this Christmas please get in touch by phoning the centre . In the meantime if there is a change in your circumstances and you need a foodbank voucher to help with your food shopping. Please pop into the centre and we will be happy to help Is your Child 2 years old? YOU may be entitled to free childcare. Phone Nell Lane Children Centre to find out more. Please contact us on Phone: 0161 860 6039
Whats on at Nell Lane Nov – Dec 2017 Tel 0161 8606039 Some of our sessions are delivered from Chorlton Library. The address for the library is Manchester Road, M21 9PN Foster Carers Support Group Chorlton Library (invite only) Last Monday of each month (No stay and Play session on this day) 9.30am-11.30am Stay, Play and Learn Chorlton Library Providing children with opportunities to develop and learn by good quality experiences. where we encourage the development of early communication through our storytime 1.30pm-3pm Baby Play at Nell Lane, Providing babies with opportunities to develop and learn by good quality experiences. where we encourage the development of early communication through our storytime. (0-14months) Monday 11.00 am-12.30am Midwifery Breastfeeding Support, Chorlton Library To offer support, gain advice and encouragement to breastfeed successfully. A chance to meet other new parents to share experiences. 1.00pm- 3.00pm Stay and Play and Learn Nell Lane Providing children with opportunities to develop and learn by good quality experiences. where we encourage the development of early communication through our storytime" 10 am-11am Newborn Network, Chorlton Library To offer support and encouragement to new parents. A chance to meet other new parents and share experiences. Tuesday 9.30am-11.30am Childminders Drop in Chorlton Library Are you a registered Childminder? An opportunity to share good practice, ideas and resources. To network and for the children to make new friends. 8.30am-12.00pm Self Help Service, Deliver a range of services and initiatives for people experiencing common mental health difficulties. Referral only, you can self refer. 10.00am-10.45am 11.00am-11.45am Introduction to Solid Foods First Wednesday of the month Invite by Health Team Only 9.30-11.30am Stay, Play and Learn (term time only and not on the first Wednesday of each month ) Providing children with opportunities to develop and learn by good quality experiences. where we encourage the development of early communication through our Storytime. 1.30pm-3.00pm Baby Play Chorlton Library Providing babies with opportunities to develop and learn by good quality experiences. where we encourage the development of early communication through our storytime" Wednesday 10am-11.30am Humpty's Parent, At St Barnabas Church. Baby/Toddler Group. For all families in the surrounding area, children 0-5 years old Are you registered with your local library? Chorlton Library, Manchester Road, Chorlton, M21 9PN 0161 227 3700 Monday: 9am-5pm Tuesday: 9am-8pm Wednesday: closed Thursday: 9am-8pm, Friday: 9am-5pm Saturday: 9am-1pm and 2-5pm Thursday 8.45am -9.45am Stay and Play Chorlton C of E For families who have children in the school with younger siblings 10.30am-11am Story Session Story telling session at Chorlton Library - Manchester Road, M21 9PN Friday Proud 2 b Parents - a service for LGBT parents and their children and LGBT parents to be. For more info please see, Saturday