Is it Right for Your Community? Industrial Farming Is it Right for Your Community?
Definition of Industrial Farming The owner of the operation does not live on the land/farm where the activities take place. 2. Other farmers do not like to live next to the operations that are of concern. These farmers complain too. 3. The operations have very little connection with the local economy i.e. Labour force; expenditures; sale of products while imposing costs on the local economy in a disproportionate way. 4. The activities severely impact the enjoyment and use of neighbouring properties in ways that would not be permitted for any other industry. Richard Enns – Coldstream Councillor
Coral Beach Farms in Lavington
ALR Properties in Lavington
Quick Facts About Cherries Due to sensitivity to spring frosts and untimely rains, sweet cherries can be grown commercially in only a few locations in Canada. British Columbia produces 76% (971 hectares) of the Canadian crop. Ontario produces about 24% (304 hectares) and there is a small acreage in Nova Scotia (8 hectares), Manitoba and Quebec. (Source: Statistics Canada (2005).
Where Do They Grow Best Cherries grow well on a variety of well-drained soils but are highly susceptible to poor drainage. Loam soils are ideal because they are easy to manage and generally have balanced nutrition and a good pH. The ideal site for an orchard is on a sloping hill, with a grade of 4 to 8% to allow for air drainage, surface water drainage and good light exposure. Location within 3 or 4 km from a body of water is also desirable as the water body can provide a moderating effect on temperatures in the spring and protect from spring frosts. A pH of 6.0 to 6.5 is ideal for cherry orchards
From R. Martin – Lavington Resident The cherry orchard is one businessman growing a climatically inappropriate crop who contributes very little to the community. I say climatically inappropriate as any crop that requires that much mechanical intervention to produce is not planted in the right place"
Mechanical Interventions Frost Protection Sprayer
Flying Under the 500 foot Ceiling
You can expect the sprays below to be applied over the next 3-5 days based on the above conditions. TOXICITY Oral LD Dermal LD (mg/kg) (mg/kg) Very Toxic (V) 0 to 50 0 to 200 Moderately Toxic (M) 51 to 500 201 to 1,000 Slightly Toxic (S) 501 to 2499 1001 to 2499 Relatively Non Toxic (RN) over 2500 over 2500 UPCOMING SPRAYS - October 11 - October 30 During the next couple of weeks we will be applying nutrients and copper to protect leaf scars
Night Spraying
What Are They Spraying Who Knows! Copper Oxychloride Nutrients Maybe This…or not… Nutrients Insecticides Fungicides Growth Regulators Copper Oxychloride Fluxapyroxad Flonicamid Chlorothaionil Triforine
Who is Monitoring or Testing NO ONE Complaint Based Only
What Can Local Council Do Local Council can designate an agricultural philosophy via their OCP Local Councils can regulate Temporary Farm Worker Housing Local Governments can approve or deny building permits based on compliance to zoning regulations
Fair Farm Practices Act – Right to Farm What it was Meant to Do What it Does Protect Normal Farm Practices from Nuisance Complaints Protects Factory Farms from Regulations that would Apply to Any Other Industry
Temporary Farm Worker Housing SAWP Program For Fruit Growers Imports workers from Mexico, Central America and Jamica Regulated by the Federal Government Provides a cheap compliant work force Additional Income in rent and tax deductions Must be on location to reap maximum benefits
What is Allowed 11 People in 700 sq. feet No Local Inspection
What Can Communities Do Demand Local Councils enact a Temporary Farm Workers Housing Bylaw to Limit the Number of Workers that can Reside on any given piece of ALR Land Identify large tract holdings with environmental significance and ask for axel weight restrictions on the roads surrounding them
What Can Communities Do Lobby your MLA to change the Fair Farm Practices Act and allow municipalities a greater say in what agricultural practices are desired (or not acceptable) in their communities Right to Farm should not mean Right to Harm
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