Introduction to CSVE and VLAs Presenter’s Name(s)
CSVE and VLA CSVE = Council Standards of Venturing Excellence A checklist for Venturing success for councils VLA = Venturing Leadership Award Presented to Venturers who go above and beyond to contribute to Venturing and exemplify the Scout Oath and Law CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
What is CSVE? Council Standards of Venturing Excellence “JTE” for Council-level Venturing Completed by the council by February 15 Planning tool for council’s calendar year History: Originally piloted by Central Region Venturing Now presented by the BSA National Council Overhaul in 2015 to resemble the JTE structure CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
CSVE Requirements 6 Core Requirements 7 Electives Building membership Governance (VOA) Recognition (VLA) Activities Promotion Reporting to SE and Board 7 Electives Area participation Social media, website Venturing Awards participation Youth protection participation Adult training participation Council hosted training course Council VOA member in NYLT+ CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
CSVE Requirements Positive Venturing growth in the council Have a Venturing Key 3 Present at least one Council VLA Make an effort to award highest awards (Summit, Quest, TRUST, Ranger) Host council events for Venturers Give a status update to the Council Executive Board Use social media networks to communicate CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
CSVE Requirements Participate in Area-level events Publish newsletters Increase the amount of youth who earned the Venturing Core Awards Youth Protection Training Host Venturing Trainings Increase the amount of trained youth and adults CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
CSVE Point Structure The award level of the CSVE is determined by the following point structure: Bronze: 465-1056 Silver: 1057-1649 Gold: 1650+ CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
How to Submit CSVE Find form: Council Venturing Key 3 fills out form and signs Turn in to National by February 15th It’s that easy! CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Why CSVE? Council data becomes part of National Benchmarking Provides a list of all of the objectives councils should try to accomplish Promotes a better Venturing program Increases council size and retainment of membership Makes Venturing even more fun! CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
VLA Requirements Recognizes Venturers and Venturing Advisors who have made exceptional contributions to Venturing and who exemplify the Scout Oath and Law Be registered and involved as a Venturer or Venturing leader for at least one year CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
VLA Requirements Hold a leadership position or an office at the unit, district, council, area, region, or national level (as appropriate for the level of the award presented) Show exceptional dedication and give outstanding leadership and service to Venturing and to Venturers (on the level appropriate for the award) CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
VLA Selection Process Nominate using the VLA nomination form Date is set by local council Past VLA awardees meet and deliberate If you have no past awardees, the council should form a committee of active youth and advisors not nominated for the award Councils may present 2 awards per year for up to 50 crews, and one additional recognition for each fraction of 25 crews above 50 CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
How to Select Nominees Nominees should… Have had a great impact on the level of the award they are receiving Be actively involved in Venturing and always striving for excellence in all they do Be excited for all that Venturing has to offer Love Scouting! CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Further Information CSVE: VLA: CREATED BY CR VENTURING, 2016
Questions? Presenter’s Name(s) Contact Information