Research Un-Locked Symposium 0-3 Research Project Developing an Early Years (0-3) SEND Hub. Aiming to improve early intervention services for very young children with disabilities and their families. Generating family resilience and competence for their future. Zoë Wells Specialist Early Years Researcher
Local Information- Waltham Forest Scoping; Current Early Years universal and targeted provision Family Services- support available to parents, carers and siblings Health Provision Gaps; Lack of Early Intervention for Families with children 0-3 Access to specialist educational or play provision for children under 2 is very limited Resourced educational provision not available until Reception age (5) Limited universal services with SEND expertise or accessible activities
Regional and National Exploration Learning from other research in this field Advice from fellow Early Years Researchers Investigate the impact of good quality early intervention Collaboration with Newham Early Years and Longcause Special School in Plymouth Literature Review
Evidence and Data Agencies Whitefield Academy Hospital Hornbeam Academy Early Years Teachers and Consultants Early Years Area Sencos Portage Home Visitors Child Development Team Disability Enablement Service Haven House Hospice Educational Psychologists Early Help Children and Family Centres 10 Parents 2 Focus Groups 4 Individual Interviews Parent Survey
Themes from Parent Interviews PARENT AND CHILD LED SPECIALIST PLAY Somewhere to belong Maximising Resources within the Academy Home and Centre based provision Training and Awareness Professional Partnerships Links - Early Years and SEND Agencies Key Person Empower
Positive findings for future model Robust and sustainable evidence based provision that is family centered, local, accessible and fun Early Intervention that improves the child’s well- being and development but also looks at the benefits of interventions and support for the whole family Aspiration- Champion Centre in New Zealand- an excellent model of Early Intervention
Communication- Working Together Because a child or family can experience a range of problems all at once, early intervention requires a holistic, multi-agency, multilevel, partnership approach. For example, for a family with a very young disabled child early intervention may involve among others paediatricians, early years educators, health visitors and therapists. It is important that the team around the family communicate and work together to get the full picture to be able to create the best support for their particular situation. Therefore, a 0-3 SEND Early Intervention Hub will require leadership and practitioners with outstanding communication and information sharing abilities, preventing the continuing need for families to repeat their story.
0-3 SEND Hub-Provision Proposal Options A partnership provision within local Children and Family Centres- delivered in the four neighbourhood hubs. Weekly parent and child focussed play and advisory sessions with multi-professional input. A centre –based intervention. A programme empowering parents as the child’s first teachers. A weekly ‘carousel’ service with access to multiple personalised developmental interventions. Other avenues to explore