EQ: How do plants depend on their environment?
What happened to my plant?! Students brainstorm at table – what are the potential causes of this plant’s death? What was missing?
Six Abiotic Factors that Affect Plant Growth Air Water Space Temperature Light Soil abiotic factors – non-living elements found within an ecosystem Perhaps my plant was missing one of these 6 critical factors it needed!
T-Chart Abiotic Factor Why do plants need it? Create a t-chart in your journal with these two headings: Abiotic Factor Why do plants need it? List each abiotic factor and then as you read find evidence for each to answer the question ‘why do plants need it?’
Reading Growing Plants Indoors Though this reading is about growing plants indoors, ALL plants EVERYWHERE need the same things! After reading come back together to share answers
EQA: How do plants depend on their environment? Or…what could potentially be wrong with my plant?!