ATTENTION Café Scientifique Patients & Family Caregivers Together, how can we improve the care of the critically ill? Friday October 23rd, 2015 from 5-7pm The Campbell House Museum 160, Queen Street West, Toronto FREE EVENT Each year, more than 150,000 Canadians are admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) with a life-threatening condition. Beside the care we provide to patients and their families, we also conduct research on how best to care for, and improve the outcomes of critically ill patients. You have experienced critical illness, as a patient, family member or caregiver? We need your input on how we can improve the care of critically ill patients. Come and share your ideas in an informal setting. For more information & register please visit or e-mail We have an inclusive panel of healthcare providers and patient/family caregivers: Our Moderators: Jill Adolphe Sydney Graham Care 2 Collaborate Ellen McDonald, RN St-Joseph’s Healthcare Karen Choong, MD McMaster Children’s Hospital Sylvie Debigaré Trois-Rivières QC Margaret Herridge, MD Toronto General Hospital