Background Larry Page and Sergey Brin met in 1995 at Stanford University Built search engine called “Backrub” in 1996 Used links to determine web page importance Was renamed to Google Stands for a “1” followed by 100 zeros “To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful” Received $100,000 check from Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim in 1998
Organization Google is built around their advertising model Two-thirds of revenue comes from ads on their own site Utilize keywords and phrases Utilize Cost per Click (CPC), Cost per Thousand Impressions (CPM), and Cost per Action (CPA) advertisements This revenue funds their purchases of start-ups, such as Nest for $3.2 billion
Management Management focuses on employees through: Google Cafes - encourage interactions Direct emails - open communication to directors Google Moderator - vote on questions during meetings TGIF - employees ask questions directly to execs Internal Innovation Reviews - divisions present new innovations Management
Management Google drives their decisions through innovation, both internal and external Motorola - $12.5 billion Nest - $3.2 billion DoubleClick - $3.1 billion YouTube - $1.65 billion
Business Challenges Google has a new external challenger Amazon may soon dethrone Google search; vice versa in other areas Google has four main internal technical problems/opportunities The knowledge graph - implemented in 2012, Google search Speech recognition - AI Natural language understanding - AI Understanding conversation - AI
Business Solutions Google will begin to merge the chrome OS into Android (Fuschia) Will become a similar operating system to iOS, but with more devices Currently 2 billion active monthly Android users More devices run on Android than iOS
Strategies Artificial Intelligence DeepMind Enterprise Cloud Apigee Nest New Smartphone Line Android Pixel
Deep Mind
Question 1 Which of these is NOT a form of Google’s online advertising strategy? CPC CPT CPM CPA
Question 2 What has been Google’s largest acquisition so far? Nest YouTube Motorola Instagram
Question 3 What is Google’s new OS in development? Android iOS Magenta Fuchsia
Sources sxsw/#456188362c0e