VERBally SPEAKING Created by Carol Romines
Are you ready? DIRECTIONS: When a slide with a sentence shows, click anywhere and then click on a choice. If a shows, click on it to go to the next slide. Are you ready?
The baseball player hit the ball. A VERB shows action. The baseball player hit the ball. Hit is the verb and tells you what the player did. Hint: A verb is something you do.
The lizard crawled on the rock.
Oops! The correct answer was CRAWLED
The grey cat watched the brown dog. cat dog watched
Oops! The correct answer was WATCHED.
Our house is haunted by a ghost! ghost haunted house
Oops! The correct answer was HAUNTED.
Fred danced all night at the party. Fred danced all
Oops! The correct answer was DANCED.
Our robot built a new computer by itself. robot built itself
Oops! The correct answer was built.
The alligator brushes his teeth. alligator brushes teeth
Oops! The correct answer was brushes.
REMEMBER: A VERB SHOW ACTION! The star fell from the sky.