Vet Center Chanel Santiago, MBA Veterans Outreach Program Specialist Department of Veterans Affairs
Introduction Chanel Santiago, MBA Served in the Army and Deployed to Iraq 2003-2004 as a Truck Driver Montgomery County Vet Center Veterans Outreach Program Specialist
Vet Center Purpose We are the people in the VA who welcome home with honor the war veteran by providing quality readjustment services in a caring manner assisting them and their family members toward a successful post-war adjustment in or near their respective communities.
Vet Center Mission Statement Vet Centers serve veterans and their families by providing a continuum of quality care that adds value for veterans, families, and communities. Care includes professional readjustment counseling, community education, outreach to special populations, the brokering of services with community agencies, and provides a key access link between veterans and other services in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
History Part of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) First opened in 1979 to provide services to Vietnam and Vietnam era veterans Services subsequently extended to all combat veterans
Offer counseling to all military combat veterans and their families: Services Offer counseling to all military combat veterans and their families: Individual counseling Group counseling Marital and family counseling Bereavement counseling Sexual trauma counseling and referral Readjustment counseling Medical referrals Assistance in applying for VA benefits Employment counseling Alcohol/Drug assessments/referrals Community education Information and referral to community resources
Services Completely Confidential and Free No person or entity outside of the Vet Center can access Vet Center records Majority of the Vet Center Staff are Veterans
Appointments Call Chanel at the Mont. Co. Vet Center @ 215-823-5245 or email at Walk-ins are welcome Need proof of military service (DD214) 320 E.Johnson Hwy, Suite 201 Norristown, PA 19401
Many Vet Centers have Outstations Locations Bucks County: 215-823-4590 DuBois: 814-372-2095 Erie: 814-453-7955 Harrisburg: 717-782-3954 Lancaster County: 717-283-0735 McKeesport: 412-678-7704 Montgomery County: 215-823-5245 Philadelphia: 215-627-0238 Philadelphia (NE): 215-924-4670 Pittsburgh: 412-920-1765 Scranton: 570-344-2676 Williamsport: 570-327-5281 Many Vet Centers have Outstations Mobile Vet Centers